New to Hosting - need advice to increase bookings

New to Hosting - need advice to increase bookings

I am new to Hosting with a condo on the beach, i am getting a lot of views but not many bookings. Looking for help from fellow hosts on how can i increase bookings, what changes can i make. 

1 Reply 1
Level 2
Frisco, TX

I took the time to check out your listing and some comparable ones in your area, and I completely understand the frustration of not getting the bookings you’re hoping for—I’ve been hosting for about six months now, and I've been there too!


It’s important to keep an eye on what your competitors are doing and see where you fit among them. I noticed there are quite a few similar listings that are more established, so make sure to take full advantage of Airbnb's new listing promotion. It really helps with visibility! You might also want to consider lowering your prices a bit further at the start, just to build up those initial bookings and get those all-important reviews. I can't even tell you how much I’ve spent on welcome baskets, but they do make a difference!


I know the business can feel unpredictable, and it’s easy to feel discouraged when you don’t see instant profits. But hang in there—there’s a lot of learning and adjusting involved, but every step is progress. You've got this!"