Preparation time - can't unblock dates manually

Level 3
Revelstoke, Canada

Preparation time - can't unblock dates manually


does anybody have the same problem:


I have the setting applied where it blocks one night before and after each reservation. I like this setting because I work full time and need a day in between bookings for cleaning.

However, today on my weekend when I already cleaned right after my guests left, I wanted to open up the night for another guest. As this night was my "preparation time" however it would not let me change it to "available" based on my settings.
I know for a fact that I used to be able to still manually change the night to available even with the setting "block 1 night before and after each reservation" as I did it many times last year (in July 2019).


It is frustrating that this does not work anymore. I already contacted Airbnb but they don't seem to understand.

24 Replies 24
Level 4
King of Prussia, PA

I reported this issue to Airbnb support, and got a very positive reply today, 11/1/2022. Seems there is acceptance there is an issue here. Not sure it will be fixed, but at least this is the sort of answer I was hoping to hear!


Airbnb Support2:56 PM
Thank you for providing the screenshot, Chris. I hope is keeping well, Emily. This is Liberty again. Please accept our sincerest apologies for the situation in which you find yourself. I already reported this case to the right department who are handling this type of concern. Rest assured that this report of yours will be added onto their logged incidents. They are working round the clock for it to be back on track. We appreciate you reporting this to us, and we will also appreciate your patience.

For now, please keep an eye for it as efforts to have this rectified are ongoing, and we are doing all efforts to have this fixed.

@Chris37  You might call that a positive reply- I call it a standard robotic reply designed to placate users that means nothing.

It's positive to me, on grounds that at least they acknowledge it's broken!
Which is better than omitting this with a more bland 'we will look into it' response.
I'm working on lowering my bar of happiness, and being glad for something... even if it is only a small crumb lol. Maybe the support messages will add more pressure, and it can get fixed. We can but try!

I do know what you mean, but as for a platform, I find Airbnb to be amazingly well designed and just works almost always. So I have to give credit, even with these minor gripes. It's net very positive I think for me at least 🙂

Hey Chris -- It's February 20th (2022) and this is still not working for me as it previously did (pre-Covid).  Is your experience any different?  i.e. Has AirBNB fixed this or have you found a workaround to manually override (unblock) dates that were previously auto-blocked due to "Preparation Time"?


Thanks for any further insight.

@Kevin824 @Chris37 

I've had this problem for over a year now. People on this forum have reported the problem going back multiple years.


I'm not counting on Airbnb to fix it anytime soon.

We have also lost revenue due to this issue, countless waisted blocked dates.

owners should have full control to override there available/blocked dates to mange properties, what a hugely overlooked function and hope it gets resolved soon!


example below: Guest like to book weekends, We want to unblock SUNDAY!!!!


Level 2
Iowa City, IA

Yup! This has been an ongoing issue for me too. Looks like it’s gone on for years, despite hosts complaints. 

Level 1
Vancouver, Canada

Same problem, there are circumstances where our cleaner can turn around faster, and I'd like to be able to manually override ONE day that is blocked for "preparation time" - can't do it 😞

@Cyrus15 It's been OVER TWO YEARS and this "glitch" is still occurring.

Same problem here. We need to be able to reduce expand the prep time manually here and there as needed, without having to modify the overall settings (e.g. even if my setting is 2 days prep time, I may one to make it one day or 3 days in specific occasions). Airbnb, what is the status here? Thanks