Waiting for payouts via Payoneer


Waiting for payouts via Payoneer

We have not been paid by Airbnb or Payoneer for three bookings, two have been completed and a longer one is in progress.   We have contacted Payoneer who have lied to us - said two payments for two separate bookings were combined in one payment and paid despite their information and information from Airbnb stating that separate payments were paid.  


We have NOT received either payment and Airbnb refuse to do anything saying it is not their problem and Payoneer lying to us and saying it must be our bank's problem - its not because we have checked.   Payoneer have paid us earlier this month for other bookings so they have our correct bank account details.


Does anyone have any advice for how we solve this?   We are now owed $1050 and our guests have paid Airbnb but Airbnb or their contracted payer Payoneer have not paid us.   We view this as theft - but Airbnb despite saying they offer support for hosts refuse to do a thing.


Sue & Evan **


*title updated

1 Best Answer

@Sue340 - Airbnb is an American company so you would need to contact someone in the US.  There are multiple ways to contact them.  Use the Tips and Tutorials  discussion room to find the "How to Contact Airbnb" or use the search engine here to find it.  There is a toll-free phone number in that document.  


Personally I'm not sure what you expect Airbnb to do based on an error from Payoneer?  They do not own that company, are not affiliated with that company,  and offer it's services as a choice to you for receiving your payouts. You have multiple options for being paid, you've chosen one that provided you with the most return on your finances but seems to be lacking in customer service.  It does sound like Payoneer is actually working on the problem.  


What kind of "follow up" are you expecting from Airbnb?  They have processed your payment and sent it to your selected financial institution and, I'm assuming, that they have verified that the monies were accepted by Payoneer.  


Are you saying that Airbnb combined the monies to send one lump sum or did Payoneer load your card once with the total distribution from Airbnb?  Those would be two different problems.  If  you could provide clarity, then perhaps we could help resolve this with you.  Again, I'm assuming that in your transaction history it shows 2 payouts for the 2 different reservations.  Is there something in your service agreement with Payoneer on a minimum that must be met before a payment is processed?  I ask because Western Union users were able to do this to minimize transaction fees.  


While it is clear that you are frustrated and unhappy, rest assured that cancelling all your remaining reservations will only net you more disappointment as you will be fined for each one.  As someone who has been an Airbnb member since 2015 and a host for at least 76 reviews, payment could not have been an issue all this time or else you would have stopped by now.  Hopefully you get it resolved quickly and if we, as fellow hosts, can try to help, I'm sure we will (Airbnb doesn't read these posts, so a threat to go to the media is lost).  

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50 Replies 50

Did your issue get resolved? We’re having the same issue.

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hey @Bryson7 ,

I was wondering if you could elaborate a bit on your concern so that we could forward it to the respective teams and see if there is any information or updates they can provide.


Please feel free to @ in case you reply, so that I can get notified.


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I have over 50 payouts that have not been deposited, we manage over 80 properties and I can’t see to get any help from support. I’m being told it’s being worked on, and that it was escalated to find out it’s not being escalated.

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Bryson7, Thanks for giving further details. I will also be reaching out to the team to ask if they could provide some updates or get back to you. Hope this gets resolved for you soon.

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Bhumika, Can you have someone call me please, we have a business to run and cannot if our payouts are not depositing.

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hey @Bryson7 ,


I hope you would have received some communication from the team by now. Please feel free to come back and update us if this gets resolved.


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