What details should you highlight in your listing title?

Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

What details should you highlight in your listing title?

What details should you highlight in your listing title_.jpg
Hello hosts 👋
Today, I want to dive into a topic that’s super important but could be overlooked - your listing title!  How important is the listing title and can it make a significant difference in attracting potential guests?
In particular, what specific details do you highlight in your listing title? Can a few carefully chosen words really make a significant difference?
I would love to hear your experiences! What has worked wonders for you in your listing title? Have you tried something that didn’t quite go as planned?We've got so many experienced hosts here who have tried and tested different approaches over the years. I would love to hear about your experiences; both the successes and the challenges you faced along the way.
I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon! 
Rebecca 🌸 



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42 Replies 42

I'm not that experienced at all!! I've described my home as warm and welcoming. I think that has worked...

Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

That sounds perfect @Aine3350 - exactly what a guest would need. Is that in your title of your listing, or throughout the description also? 



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Level 2
Helton, United Kingdom

Hi Rebecca

Many thanks for getting in touch.

I don't know if I can be of much help, but I'll let you know what we have put.

It looks as if you are MOST interested in the TITLE, and I say this because many of the replies you have had talk of the details and their wording.

We have two properties listed on Airbnb.

The first is a very old town house in Penrith, and it is listed as

"Pretty cottage in centre of town next to the Lakes".  We tried to capture the house itself, and the proximity to the Lake District in one phrase.

This has attracted about 150 guests over the last 5 years.

The second is a large fully restored double terrace house in a village at Orton, and has only been available for 1 year.  It is simply listed by its name "Hettie's Cottage".

We have considered a bigger title, but not done anything about it yet.  We aren't about to say anything boastful about it, and I agree with one of your respondents about truthfulness, but then we know it is perfect! clean and tasteful and reasonably priced etc. and anything that might help boost its bookings would be appreciated.  Are we on the same wavelength?

Neither are very busily booked at the present - i.e. only four current bookings in each for the coming months, but friends on airbnb say that is common at the moment.

I'd be grateful for any comments you might wish to make



Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

That's really interesting to read @Andrew1879 as you have 2 listings with completely different titles. 

Do you find that the listing with more detail - "Pretty cottage in centre of town next to the Lakes" - has more bookings than "Hettie's Cottage"?  


If you changed the title of "Hettie's Cottage" - what do you think you might add? 


Thanks so much for taking the time to share with us. 😊



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Hi, as a long-terme honte i had clients Booker for 6 months be cerfeuil they can cancel any time with 30 days notice they dont have to do the full terms.My head line is 25 min from downtown. And add some Nice pictures.

Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

Thank you so much for sharing with us @Christian4328. Do you attract a lot of people who are looking for easy and quick access to the city? 



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Hello Rebecca,


Our title is "Entire Guest Suite".  Many listings in our area are one room studios, so "Suite" emphasizes that ours is spacious and has multiple rooms.  We think that "Entire" emphasizes that the suite is separate from our personal household.


It seems to me that it is important that the title highlights the difference between our listing and other listings in the area.


Hope this Helps!



Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

That's a great point @Cheryl1136 - 'suite' is something that will make you stand out from the rest and that would make all the difference in terms of getting booked! 

Do you think this is why guests are more likely to book you, rather than someone else in the area? Have you had any feedback from guests? 


A wonderful observation - thank you so much for sharing. 



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We highlight our best amenities and also add what is the highlight of our area in each season. You should change your title to highlight what brings guests to your area for specific times of year  

Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

That's a great insight @Catherine3503 - how do yours change between the seasons? 



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Level 2
Revere, MA

hi Airbnb community,


this is such a helpful question

I’ve had the honor of hosting for over 400 different guests.

these are the small little tweaks that I’ve made to my title that have helped me

1. not focusing on words like cozy or welcoming things like that but instead, simply let your pictures do the talking. Whether it be a nice fluffy bed , nice comfortable pillows, or a blanket across the sofa

2. focusing more on location. I’m in a very busy city so I needed to focus on what makes me different from everybody else. with that being said I’m only 10 minutes away from the airport and 20 minutes away from downtown Boston and a 10 minute walk from the beach. 
3. I also noticed it was really important to guest to mention the title whether it’s an apartment a house or in my case a suite


overall, I have learned that everybody focuses on wanting to provide a walking, clean and beautiful environment, but we should let the pictures do the talking in that aspect and focus on other things that make us unique

Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

This is a really interesting - what would an example of your title be @Cindy1181



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Hi @Rebecca! 👋

Great topic! The listing title is definitely one of the most powerful tools in attracting potential guests. A well-crafted title can make a huge difference, especially in competitive areas.

In my experience, highlighting a unique feature of the property works wonders. For example, mentioning a private balcony with a sea view, a cozy fireplace, or walking distance to the city center instantly grabs attention. I also noticed that using words like “luxury,” “modern,” or “peaceful retreat” can help set the right expectations.

One thing I’ve learned is to keep it short and impactful—too many details can be overwhelming. I once tried a longer title with too much information, and it didn’t perform as well as a more concise, catchy one.

Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

Of course, you want your listings to stand out. You've given some great advice here, thank you @Kıvanç-Akif-Kayı0


Do you adjust your title often or seasonally as @Catherine3503 mentioned a few comments below? 



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Hello Rebecca and community, 

The most important thing for a guest is honesty. We all want to stand out and make our homes seem as appealing as possible but there's nothing more disappointing than arriving to an Airbnb that's been misrepresented. 


Truthfulness will always find you the right guests! 

Cape Town