Why do host who have only hosted a few stays get superhost status when the rules say minimum 10 per year

Level 2
Victoria, Australia

Why do host who have only hosted a few stays get superhost status when the rules say minimum 10 per year

Why do host who have only hosted a few stays get superhost status when the rules say minimum 10 per year, im annoyed ive hosted 600 people with zero cancellations respond within hours and just because on average with large number of bookings its impossible to get 4.8 as there's always idiots that give me 1 for no reason.
my rating is 4.7 over 3.5 years but i will never get 4.8 its impossible, airbnb would rather have superhosts that do 10 bookings a year at 4.8 than give it to me who do 300 a year at 4.7.


Superhost status has to reward host who have 0 cancellations ever, 100% response, over 600 guests per year or 200+ bookings and a rating of 4.7+


4.8 is insulting, if i could upload pics i can show 100's of listings of SUper hosts will < 10 bookings ever some as low as 3

24 Replies 24
Level 10
СПБ, Russia



Why let this get under your skin so much Paul?


Superhost benefits are indubitably exiguous. Ask yourself what's in it for me?

A pixelated badge and the equivalent of 27 cents a day.?


Out of hundreds of bookings I've had, the number of guests who mention anything ever about superhost are miniscule.


If you are turning 300 bookings a year, well done, outstanding.


You don't need airbnb mind games to keep you on your toes and get you boiling the ocean in a quest to receive an automated email once every few months do you ?. Never give yourself problems that don't exist.

Level 2
Victoria, Australia

Because i guess it annoys me they appear first in the listings for the area when its full of superhosts with <10 bookings you end up lower down the list.


I hear what you say and yes for years ive ignored it as its not worth that much but in Australia guests are more fussy and i've lowered my prices to get volume so people also support our bushfire destroyed town in the last decade. 


Also if airbnb say you need at least 10 bookings per year to get the higher listing then they need to do it and not give 100's of people the first few pages in searches with as low as 3 bookings.


I just have people ask me why im not on the first few pages at times looking for me when i tell them im on airbnb or up a brochure at the tourist center and i see a swag of <10 stay hosts filling up the first few pages..

@Paul661 Airbnb suspended the minimum number of stays requirement for three consecutive quarters this year due to the pandemic. 

Level 2
Victoria, Australia

Thanks for info Andrew  its even worse now  surely they need to have at least 10 reviews ever hey airbnb.. 

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

I think from reading your reviews the main issues guests are complaining about is that you aren’t investing in cleaners during Covid but are asking guests to clean up after themselves meaning you can’t ensure your properties are cleaned in line with Covid guidance and that you don’t provide linens. 

if you want to achieve SH status those are likely to be the areas to focus on. @Paul661 


I know you are saying you do this because you have a budget offer but during Covid I think most people would prefer you have proper cleaning systems in place. 

Level 2
Victoria, Australia

We have zero cased of covid in our state and have had that for almost 2 months. during covid i covid cleaned after each booking as i have two cottages.. 


My complaint is simple 10,000's of hosts with <10 bookings have super host status.

My listing is clear re just tidy up before you leave, i wouldn't have 4.7 status if it was bad it also specifies byo linens at this price before you book and byo linens is also clean, like it could be said sleeping in used by other linens is disgusting, again i have  massive occupancy % because that is actually CLEAN.


I'm a country town host 99% of guests don't want to pay cleaning fees $100+  its not that simple to say pay someone to be on standby to clean at lunch time for the whole year.


Sure i can get 4.8 get 10 bookings a year and charge everyone another $150 a night extra to empty a bin or vacuum a floor.,


My point is lower SH status for hosts that get 4.7 for "massive numbers" not hosts that get 5 guests a year.


My complaint is simply which no one is really getting upset like i am is that


"Why do host who have only hosted a few stays get superhost status when the rules say minimum 10 per year"


I wish i could upload pages of pages of 1-9 bookings EVER listings, i did to airbnb chat they just said offer feedback..


Seeing 5 pages of hosts with less than 10 booking in front of hosts that actually host  100's + in listings in our state is a disgrace..

Level 10
Tampere, Finland

Airbnb does also say that you can achieve the Superhost status through having hosted (at least?) 100 nights between the minimum of three stays - so perhaps those Superhosts with lesser bookings are focusing on longer-term guests? If they fulfill Airbnb's requirements, they are fully worthy of their attained status,  even if it does not please you. 

Level 2
Victoria, Australia

why superhost.jpg

Level 2
Victoria, Australia

no they give it to hosts with 1 stay even, because they changed superhost rules during covid.. i just figured out that i can post a pic, i could show 10,000 around the world but dont defend airbnb thats the rule No minimum stays for super host status in the last check.


Hosts in my town say airbnb offer them all these bonus's credits for stays discounts for guests  just because they flagged super host status.


So here  i am 424 reviews but actually over 600 stays but believe i deserve a top listing as airbnb makes 1000x more money off me that those guys but also i would like to increase my price a little if i was higher teir on listings.



@Paul661  The point of the "superhost" scheme is not to reward host performance, but rather to use status-anxiety triggers to manipulate host behavior. 


The only "bonus credit" associated with SH is one voucher per year to the host for a mere $100. There's no discount for guests involved, and no practical benefits (that "dedicated service line" does not exist, and most guests do not report it having a significant impact on their booking choice). 


As a guest, I'd find it off-putting that your profile explicitly begs people to give you 5 star ratings so that you can win a voucher whose value is less than you'd be making in a typical one-night booking. If I had one suggestion here it would be to focus on improvements you can make to increase guest's actual satisfaction rather than trying to put a thumb on the scale for petty rewards.

Level 2
Victoria, Australia

Your nuts seriously its about where you appear in searches being 10th on a list  won't help.


And your lame if you don't think airbnb by each country  offer different  awards not that it's 5% of my issue.

Level 2
Victoria, Australia

Oh and yes in Australia one photo of a  dirty power point can and has been a instant refund so yes we have to work it. 

@Paul661  Did you know that "your" and "you're" mean two different things?


You've been given free advice by several people, which you can do with whatever you please. But nobody here can do anything to change your Superhost status or influence Airbnb's criteria, so there's no point in trying to have a fight about it.

Level 2
Victoria, Australia

Well you obviously gave up, so I won't bother here but on aust Facebook same conversation  and 2000 likes supportive comments I got a manager chatting now. So yeah your loss