trouble setting up checking quick reply template

Level 1
Dublin, Ireland

trouble setting up checking quick reply template

I'm trying to setup a Quick Reply template for sending Arrival Guide information to Guests ahead of arrival.

When I select the access template it tells me I need to add guest access information. 


However, when I say add it tells me some information is missing. When I click "Add guess access" it takes me to Listing editor.




If I tab over to the arrival guide, I can see that every section is filled and there is no way for me to say add or update to quick reply template.

Any ideas as to what I might be doing wrong here?

Many thanks,


2 Replies 2
Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

Hi @Ray2416 👋


Have you managed to get your templates working yet? If not, I've got a couple of articles that might help: 

Create and send quick replies to guests
Create scheduled messages and send them to guests automatically


There was also this article where @Mike-And-Jane0 and @Joan2709 have provided some technical advice, they may be able to support you. 


I hope this helps 😊



Please follow the Community Guidelines

Hi @Ray2416 

Unfortunately, there is not a short code for the arrival guide under Scheduled Messages & Quick Replies....I wish there was. That's a good idea! Guests have access to your Arrival Guide on their phone under their Trip Tabs, but many don't know that and never see the pictures and instructions you have added.


The "Guest Access" short code refers to what areas of the property the guests have access to. For instance, if you had a locked garage where you keep your supplies and guests can't use that space, you would fill that section out on the listing editor under the Description Card. Many Hosts miss this section entirely, as it's not part of a new listing creation. It's only available to be completed after you publish the listing:



If you wanted to add this information to a guest message, this is where the system populates the short code from:



Since you didn't have anything in the Guest Access section and were trying to use it, the system was advising they can't add it to a message without something in that field.


For Arrival Information, we find it's best to point guests to our Arrival Guide that has pictures by using a link they can click in the message  (a short code would be nicer though 😊). PM me if you would like to know the shortcut for that.