What Hosts are saying

    Hello everyone, After much discussion in the Community Center, we've created this dedicated board to discuss anything related to the Coronavirus. As you will see there have already been a lot of conversations, so feel free to explore the topics before cre...
    The terms listed in 1.2-9.7 make Airbnb's Extenuating circumstances refund unenforceable. they literally are stealing your money.... read and be ready to discuss this and request your money be returned per your original policy. Also, Airbnb considers us, ...
    AirBnb is out of line for making a broad sweeping decision that hosts did not approve. It would seem more appropriate to offer a travel voucher for the stay so that they would rebook and use their time on calendar and drop any associated fees you all wou...
    Hi. i m wonring i have one guest . In spain now days everyone have to strictley follow the govement instractions. No one can leav home in 2 weeks .He is going eveyday out & come back in evening. i have said to him dont ga out he is not lisning . plese any... Latest reply by Helen350
    Many guesthouses in my area are closed .My guesthouse is closed for a while due to the new coronavirus. I want the people who are familiar with overseas guesthouses to tell me. Did the new coronavirus damage guesthouses abroad?
    Dear AirBnB I hope you are well. Due the Corona Virus Issues, AirBnB has started to cancel our bookings, the first being today. As hosts, please allow us to offer client alternative dates before cancelling the bookings. It is unfair that the clients recei...