Host Advisory Board members

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

Host Advisory Board members

Interesting to see that some board members who haven't posted here since 2017 are suddenly posting multiple times. The cynic in me suggests that Airbnb have asked them to do so to find out what is going on in Airbnb land.

Perhaps they should have just invited some of the more prolific posters on the community centre to be on the advisory board!

174 Replies 174
Level 10
Orono, ME

@Mike-And-Jane0 @Sarah977 

Till is a big contributor in the German CC. Even though I don't read german I still go in there every once in a while to spy on @Ute42 

Host Advisory Board Member
Vancouver, Canada

Till is a god. He is a great contributor. 

Host Advisory Board Alumni
Stuttgart, Germany

@Bez8 is a godfather 😘.




Till is the biggest airbnb fan of all airbnb fans worldwide. He just loves airbnb. I once wrote to him in public on the german CC:


  • Till, You are infected with the airbnb virus and
    You won't get rid of it until the day You die.


He gave me a kudo for that post. Ask him if that's true, he's on here.





You wrote above:


  • Till is a god



Are You serious? You are comparing a human being with god? Historically, the only situation where such a comparison was ever justified is this one:



2021-01-30 Clapton is god.jpg



Eric Clapton, the worldwide renown guitarplayer and founder of the rockband CREAM was working with greats like Jack Bruce, Ginger Baker, Steve Winwood, B.B. King and the list goes on. You are putting Till in Germany onto the same level as Eric Clapton. Come on.


@Sharon1014 @Sarah977 @Anonymous @Ann72 @Helen350 



Level 10
Sellicks Beach, Australia

Ah dear @Ute42  you are such a scream, have me in peals of laughter with most of your posts 🤣🤣🤣


Here's the reality check - these advisory board folks are in the first stages of the honeymoon, they're all in love with each other.  😍  This will fade once the real work begins.


There are 2 phases to getting a new program up and running.


1.  Policy development.

2.  Policy implementation.


Policy development is heaps of fun, especially when you have a free hand to construct policy as you believe it ought to be in relation to the program you are looking at.  All you see is possibilities.  You still do the SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) but cos you have that all down on paper now, you reckon you've got it covered.  No sweat, this is gonna be GREAT... huge, make all the difference, yayyyy!


And then you get to the implementation phase, and oops, a whole pile of things start popping up that you hadn't foreseen.  Things start to derail, so you adjust Plan A accordingly.  It used to be called Strategic Planning, but some policy planning academics suggest it should be called Emergent Planning, since many Plan A's go awry after launch and need constant amendments.


The first year of getting a new program up and running is frankly, a nightmare kind of challenge.  Some may fall by the wayside in the process, others will thrive.


In the meantime, let's all just enjoy the love 

Joe Cocker, Luciano Pavarotti - You Are So Beautiful (LIVE in Modena) HD - YouTube

Flashmob Flash Mob - Ode an die Freude ( Ode to Joy ) Beethoven Symphony No.9 classical music - YouT... (all men are brothers - horribly sexist of course, so just translate, all people are family?)


We can get to the nuts n bolts of musical icons with other msgs later. 😉

Level 10
Whitehaven, United Kingdom

Thanks for posting the flashmob @Sharon1014 . - Wonderful!


How did I get to nearly 60 without ever having heard of 'flashmobs'? (Probably by living in a sleepy hamlet in a culture free zone which is an old coal mining town!)


- Have now watched several flashmobs! - Super! 

I adore you, @Ute42.  But you know that already.


Plus even when Clapton was (rightly) declared god, a cosmic dog (“god” spelled backwards, of course) pissed on the sentiment.

Top Contributor
Gros Islet, Saint Lucia


You obviously really enjoy classic rock guitarists, because I recall that you said you really like Santana, also.

Don't just believe what I say, check the Airbnb Help Center

@Ute42 Clapton may be regarded as a god by certain guitar enthusiasts, but he doesn't have quite the same renown among babysitters.

Level 10
Swansea, United Kingdom

Haha...! But the dog is weeing over the graffitee so clearly doesn't agree and therefore this character 'Til' cannot have my vote... 

Host Advisory Board Member
Vancouver, Canada



I know what I'm about to say might shock you. But there is an Airbnb community outside of this CC. They are not better than you or vise versa. We're all hosts. I know of many experienced hosts who'v never posted in the CC once. 



@Bez8 "I know of many experienced hosts who've never posted in the CC once." 


So do I. And I'm active in another hosting forum which is populated with hosts who, in general, are much more aligned with my attitude and ideas. 


But this is the official Airbnb forum, the one that Airbnb set up to supposedly give hosts a place to connect and a voice. Yet Airbnb has ignored that voice. In fact, there was a section of this forum called Host Voice, where hosts could make a suggestion to Airbnb for changes, and the ones that got a lot of upvotes would supposedly be seriously considered by Airbnb.


But they weren't, they were ignored. Then that section was shut down, with a message from Airbnb that they were making improvements to it, and it woud be back soon. That was over 2 years ago. Never to be seen again. We get lied to by this company all the time.

Host Advisory Board Member
Vancouver, Canada

I feel like I’m starting to sound like a broken record. We’re going in loops.  

please I know what has happened in the past. I’m not taking that away from you or anyone else. 

all I’m saying is that let’s learn from it and move forward. Or do you want to talk about what happened 2 or 3 years ago? 

im telling you that I’m here to help you. But I feel like we’re not even speaking the same language. 

I would love to discuss ideas and areas we can work together and really make an impact. 

but instead I’m here chatting with you about why I’m here and reminiscing about what happened 2 years ago

@Bez8  I can see here and on other threads that you mean well and that you're getting frustrated with the reception you've received.  I recommend reading over and editing your responses before hitting "reply."  Let your mantra be "Less is more."  The above response to Sarah could simply have said, "I know what happened two years ago.  I'd like to learn from it and move forward in ways that will make an impact."  "We're going in loops," "I'm not taking that away from you," "Or do you want to talk about what happened 2 or 3 years ago?," and "Instead I'm here chatting with you about why I'm here and reminiscing about what happened 2 years ago" are all passive aggressive phrases whose impact can only be to diminish the person addressed.  I'm not saying that is the intent.  But it is the impact.


You said somewhere that you're an engineer, so you know how structures work.  It's my profession to know how prose works.  Think of it as a structure that can always be refined.

Host Advisory Board Member
Vancouver, Canada

You’re absolutely right. It’s my weakness. Thank you for the feedback. I’m really passionate and solution oriented. I promise it comes from a good place.