Host Advisory Board members

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England, United Kingdom

Host Advisory Board members

Interesting to see that some board members who haven't posted here since 2017 are suddenly posting multiple times. The cynic in me suggests that Airbnb have asked them to do so to find out what is going on in Airbnb land.

Perhaps they should have just invited some of the more prolific posters on the community centre to be on the advisory board!

174 Replies 174
Level 10
Swansea, United Kingdom

It occurs to me that if we had had some contingent Insurance in place for the UK branch of Airbnb (which was given separate legal status at some point within the last three or four years... anyone got that info???... now registered in London I think) such as with Sun Alliance (one of the Defendants in this Test Case) UK Hosts might have been eligible for relief as a result of this judgement (still subject to Appeal) . So I'm wondering wether it might be worthwhile setting up a Working Group to look at possible future relationship with  UK Insurers to see if collective premiums might work for Business Interruption and also possibly for other risks which have been proving unsatisfactory in outcome currently  if a Guest trashes a Host's place.....???  

Level 10
Swansea, United Kingdom

And our lovely friends in France and Europe might benefit by duplicating the model if we find an arrangement that works here in UK.... ??  xxxxxxx

Level 10
Swansea, United Kingdom

There is no Notice of Appeal as yet however the right exists but will die after a certain timescale leaving the entitlements to claim by Policy Holders as defined by this judgement.



In France, some insurances companies refused to pay in the 1st time pretending that pandemic and government were not covered.

Even for the restaurants with an all risk policy.

One restaurant owner went to court to sue AXA insurance and the court simply declared that all risk meant all risk and no exception was listed and that the contract must be applied.

So all the other insurance companies paid because they were sure to loose.


The point is to read carefully the exceptions and to take care that your insurance company does not change the list discreetly when the contract is renewed.


The other point is that insurance contract must be applied whatever the government of your country decides.

Take that Airbnb!



It is fair because when the client claims to be paid, the Insurance can refuse when it is an exception.

Ex : your home is burglerized but a window was left opened and the contract obliges to shut doors and windows when leaving.

Game over.


If it works on one side, it works on the other side.

Formidable @Nathalie-Et-Gilles0 

Bravo! Thanks for participating in this. Its very nice to meet you. Things are so often more complicated than at first sight. But it is great for the small industries that will get their payouts. I'm very pleased for them including your countrymen. So you were ahead of us on this occasion (Well surement souvent aussi...!!) . Of course now the Premiums will be much higher and the Insurers more cautious but I'm pleased that much needed payouts will be made on this occasion if there is no Appeal. 

I was wondering about our own Insurance for damages by Guests as claims are very difficult now ...would de-centralised insurances be worth considering? Or would it just lead to more claims and increased levies do you think?

By the way you speak great English!!


I was wondering whether you've now passed the period of allowance for Appeals in France? If so your countrymen and women will get their payouts from the Insurers. Yay!  I'm not sure what the period of delay here is in UK. Will see if I can find out!

Level 10
Swansea, United Kingdom

Seems its 21 to 28 days. So must be Law now and in France too? @Nathalie-Et-Gilles0 



AXA insurance did not even try to appeal.

And other insurance companies stopped immediately the proceedings in paying when they learnt the AXA court decision.


They had no legal ground to appeal and to refuse to apply the contract.


Think that if the contract is not applied for x y z reason, any client could contest the list of exceptions if the contract is not favorable.

And it would be endless disputes.

Insurances are here to avoid disputes and to give a protection.

Or it is covered or it is not covered.

If the contract can be disputed, insurances become useless.




Sorry but you did not give any information mentioning your reasons are true.


I am pleased to compare and Learn from @Mary996 .

Insurances work quite similarly around the world because most of them were created in western countries (not to say in UK) to cover trade and housing risks.


They operate in various countries with similar rules.



Indeed, prices will probably increase.

But it seems that many of them will try to discreetly change the list of exceptions including in all-risk insurances.

As many clients don’t read, they could have a bad surprise if the risk happens again in thinking they are covered.



You are very kind for my English.


Level 10
Swansea, United Kingdom

Totally agree that Insurers would undermine themselves if constantly disputing the extent and validity of their covers. Interestingly:

AXA announced today that it has entered into an agreement with UNIQA Insurance Group AG (“UNIQA”) to sell its operations in Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia.


I wonder if the sale proposal relates to AXA's losses in this matter?


Yup agreed. Extreme caution needed for those planning to renew!! Mais c'est toute a fait vrai. Vous parlez bien l'anglais. Moi j'arrive pas en Francais. Mais J'essaye!! Haha ...

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hey everyone,


I'd like to thank you all for your contributions to this thread. There have been some really interesting points and discussions here.


Sadly, I feel the conversations have now become too personal and off-topic and this thread is no longer productive. Therefore I have decided to close this topic, in line with Community Guidelines.


Thanks for understanding. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to drop me a DM. 💌




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