Hi fam,,i recently moved to Portugal as a student and i have...
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Hi fam,,i recently moved to Portugal as a student and i have my Airbnb units in Nigeria. I have now been charged for VAT in P...
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In another thread a rather sad story has been developing over the past couple of days. This is a long story, I'm cutting it down as good as I can.
Monika in Chile is renting 3 places through airbnb in Chile but she doesn't get paid by airbnb. She started reporting about her problem on sept. 19, adressing @Catherine-Powell , to no avail.
Due to COVID she had to close her places on march 20 and reopened mid of august. Monika did get paid from airbnb untill the end of August, but ever since no payment. Monika says she and her husband have lost their jobs due to COVID, couldn't rent the flats and now she's not reveiving money for the completed stays.
Monika has listet a breakdown of outstanding payments for 19 stays, totalling apprx 2400 USD.
Monika has been calling and writing with airbnb every day but nothing. Unfortenately Monika's financial situation has gotten very difficult so in september she had to ask friends to lend her money to pay her bills. „We have two little kids - we can not sleep at night, worried about how to pay bills and buy food when you keep all payouts for 5 weeks“.
Meanwhile as it looks Monika has maxed out all financial resources:
„Yesterday we were considering for me to go back to London (Monika lived there for 17 years) to find any job as here will be impossible now. We used the credit card limit and now we have nothing left. …. My 9-year-old girl heard this conversation and cried asking me not to go to London and leave them.
It breaks my heart. Once while talking to airbnb , my girl took the phone and asked them, please pay my mum money“
„Electricity bills, communal charges bills, internet bills etc etc . why, what we have done, please Airbnb pay us all money, we have nothing now, please“
2 days ago Monika received 72,000 CLS = apprx. 90 USD from airbnb. „At least I could buy some food today“ Monika wrote. But the remaining 2400 USD+ remain unpayed.
As I said this is a pretty long story, for details pls start reading here:
and continue to read there:
The conversation starts on page 10 and continous to page 11.
This is Monika's airbnb profile Picture: Monika , Domingo, Kyara and Maia
I've been getting real emotional over this story. Obviousely I cannot contribute anything to all these payment details, but I have decided to send 100 Euros = 120 USD to Monika in Chile so she can buy more food for her family. In order to do so, today I have set up a Western Union account for international cash payments.
What I'd like to find out is:
How hard is it to send Money to Chile in the 21st century?
@Emilia42 Nice thought, but it would actually be counter-productive. Airbnb needs to step up to the plate and just pay her what she is owed. Problem fixed. Doubt Monika would take the money anyway, given Ute's post above.
That's really kind of you both but @Sharon1014 is right - Monika is a very proud woman and is deeply embarrassed at the situation she finds herself in (even though its absolutely no fault of her own) However, she's also a fighter, which is why she chose to post on @Catherine-Powell 's thread again and again - rather than sit at home waiting in vain - to try and make her voice heard in her efforts to force Airbnb to send her the money that's rightfully hers, before it's too late
While I know she'll be hugely grateful and appreciative of your thoughtfulness and kind offers of help, I'm pretty sure it would be an uphill battle to convince her to agree. (But I'll certainly give it my best shot if her money doesn't doesn't come through soon, and her situation deteriorates any further)
@Sharon1014 is absolutely correct though - Airbnb do need to step up to the plate and pay her what she's owed, instead of fobbing her off day after day with the most ridiculous lies and excuses you've ever heard.
It's not important that a money tranfer is cheap, it's important that it's fast. And Western Union is fast. When I made the testpayment towards my husband, he picked the money up 3 hrs after I had sent it. That was fast.
I am not tech savvy and I don't know how to set up a „gofundme“ project. Also, this would take way too long, Monika needs the money now, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.
We don't need „gofundme“, I can handle everything myself. The past 5 years were a golden era with my vacation rental here in Germany. I made a lot of money in the years 2015 to 2019 and I built up a good size rainy day fund from that income.
And 2020 was even better than the years before.
We were prohibited from short term renting in Germany from mid march to the end of may. Under this new COVID situation all the vacationers in Germany cancelled their international hollidays and all of a sudden an unbelievable demand for domestic vacation rentals in Germany developed.
In January I was alredy completely booked up for the summermonths, but 2 guests had to cancel, one in june and one in july, this had nothing to do with COVID. So I put these 2 weeks on the market for rerenting (not on airbnb) and I sold the June-week for 2800 USD, that's twice my usual price. And for the week in july I got 30 booking request within 3 days, people were calling till 10pm.
The summerseason 2020 was the best summerseason I ever had, and instead my rainy day fund going down, it had grown even bigger.
By the way, Monika in Chile also had a rainy day fund. Monika and her husband Domingo had daytimejobs and lost them both through COVID. They were prohibited from renting short term in Chile from mid march till the beginning of august. So without any income, they were living from their savings for the months of april, may, june and july. I think the fact that they did have such a rainy day fund shows, that these are responsible people. But in august their fund was exausted.
They started short term renting again in August, but then airbnb didn't pay them. 2 daytimejobs lost, rainy day fund exausted, and no money from airbnb. How much worse can a situation get?
Monika wrote in the other thread:
We lost our jobs, we lost our savings and now you Airbnb makes our life a nightmare
So the point today is, I have a big rainy day fund but it doesn't rain in Germany. It does rain though cats and dogs in Chile in the Puerto Varas area. Why not use a little fraction of my funds to help where help is needed?
From what I'm reading on this community center and in the emails she's sending me, Monika is one of the nicest people I have ever come across.
@Ute42 @Sharon1014 @Helen3 @Emilia42 @Inna22 @Ian-And-Anne-Marie0
@Sarah977 @Cormac0 .and everyone
So in the attempts to locate Monika and Domingo's missing funds, this is what we know so far..
Each payout apparently originates from Airbnb Payments UK Ltd and is sent to Chile, to the account of an Airbnb 'payment processor partner' called Argenper (this information was not provided by Airbnb, and had to be painstakingly pieced together) According to Airbnb's payment release documentation, this transfer appears to be via World pay, but according to an Argenper employee, payments are direct to them and they've never heard of World pay. To be confirmed, pending further clarification from both parties.
What we do know for sure, is that when the money arrives in Argenper's account in Chile, the corresponding amount is then withdrawn from the account in cash - usually in Calama or Antofagasta in the North of Chile - and taken to a local corner shop, where the cash deposit is made via the Servipag system.
The person/s who goes to the corner shop and deposits the cash through the servipag, is in possession of Monika and Domingo's full name, bank account details, the correct amount (or close to it) of cash for the booking and Domingo's RUT number.
The RUT number is sensitive personal information and acts as a person's official ID number in Chile and needs to be presented for almost everything.
So the bloke from Argenper heads to the corner shop with the Airbnb payout in his pocket, then fills in a slip with M&Ds personal details - bank acct number, RUT number, amount of cash being deposited etc - and hands the whole lot over to whatever bloke happens to be on shift in the corner shop that day, to be deposited in M&Ds account via the servipag machine.
No ID is required to be shown by whoever is depositing the cash into M&Ds account. Nothing on the servipag receipt gives any indication where the money has originated from, or that it has anything whatsoever to do with Airbnb. There's space on the receipt for the name and phone number of whoever is depositing the money - sometimes it's filled in, sometimes it's not.
Technically the person making the deposit should get a receipt, but the servipag shops don't do printouts, so the bloke from behind the corner shop counter will eventually get round to going to the bank, sometimes a day or two later, to get the bank to issue receipts for the deposits made through servipag into the various accounts in that particular bank. Sometimes the guy from the 'payment processor partner's' office will come back to pick up the receipts, sometimes he may not.
Meanwhile, the recipient will simply see "deposito en efectivo" (cash deposit) as the only identifier of origin on their bank statement, and they may or may not have the first clue where the money came from. There may or may not be an attachment related to the transaction showing the servipag receipt, which may or may not have the name and phone number of whoever paid the money in.
The question you're probably asking is, "Well why on earth don't the blokes in the Argenper office just do a simple transfer of the host's payout, from their bank account straight into the host's bank account (which can quickly and easily be done in Chile) without going through all the corner shop/servipag rigmarole in between? Very good question, and one which has been posed to all parties involved. As yet, no clarification has been forthcoming, from anyone.
You did some massive detective work on the payment situation in Chile and I am gobsmacked how these cash-payments are made. No indication that this is an airbnb payment, no airbnb-reservation number, the person who made the payment is unreadable. I mean, how does airbnb track these payments, how can You do bookkeeping that way?
"I mean, how does airbnb track these payments, how can You do bookkeeping that way?"
That's the 18 billion (or not) dollar question, @Ute42. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen the receipts with my own eyes.
This smells like money laundry, getting paid for something, and flushing out cash from another source.
Sorry @Sharon1014 - I meant to finish this last night, but fell asleep.
So.. this part is even more chaotic and convoluted. Up until March of this year, there appeared to be 3 different payment processors, but in all cases, M&Ds payouts arrived without issue into the dedicated bank account registered on their Airbnb account (well, apart from a single missing payout from March)
These payouts were made by direct bank transfer (the default method selected on their Airbnb account), and in every instance, the name of the payment processor was clearly shown on their bank statement.
Then all that changed from April, when all that showed up on their bank statement relating to their Airbnb payouts was 'deposito en effectivo' (cash deposit) There were maybe only half a dozen payouts during that time, due to local restrictions, but all were also received without any issues (sometimes with receipt viewable by attachment link, sometimes not) Business began picking up again in August, with lots of bookings starting to pour in again, as the month went on
Then on August 25th, all payouts stopped dead, despite M&D being flat out with guests coming and going. At first, they thought it was perhaps some sort of a technical issue that would soon rectify itself, but by Sept 5th,they were very worried and started contacting Airbnb on a daily basis.
At this point, all reservations from the latter part of August and the entire month of September remain unpaid. Only one small payout was received a few days ago (Oct 3rd), and that was for a booking that took place last week.
It would take me a week to go through all the different excuses Airbnb has tried to fob M&D off with, and have used to send them off on a never-ending series of wild goose chases trying to locate their missing money, wasting inordinate amounts of their time and efforts. But they include - it's your bank's fault, it's the payment processor's fault, it's Chile's fault, it's your fault, it's a technical error, it's human error, it's a payment system error, it's the payment processors' error, we're not sure where the money is, money wasn't sent, money was sent, money wasn't sent because the details on your account are wrong, money was sent but you gave us incorrect ct details so it couldn't be processed and is in the midst of its way back to us, money was sent via new route so that must be the problem, we're using a new payment processor so that must be the problem, you're the problem and we're definitely not the problem. . and so on, and so on..
Since Sept 5th - endless emails, endless phone calls to both the local and US phone numbers, endless indecipherable communication from Airbnb reps that in many instances, completely sideswerved answering any direct questions posed and elicited responses that made absolutely no sense and bore no relation whatsoever to the matter in hand, or to the straightforward questions asked. A masterclass in dishonesty, duplicity and obfuscation, that would do any accomplished gaslighter proud. Would have to be seen with one's own eyes, to be believed.
So yesterday, the guy in the 'payment processor partner's office in Chile (Argenper) swears blind that the missing payouts were never sent to him in the first place, and indeed furnished a list of M&Ds payouts that he claims he did receive, which Monika confirms do tally perfectly with the payouts - since April - that did arrive in her bank account, via 'deposito efectivo'.
Meanwhile, Airbnb's latest take on things is that they did send all the payouts via a new route/payment processor (but its not new - M&D have been receiving payouts from Angenper since April, and their latest payout on October 3rd was also from Argenper). They're also claiming that the sent payouts couldn't be completed because M&Ds bank details had changed (also not true, as evidenced by Argenper depositing the funds in the very same bank account for M&D, with the very same bank details they've been using from April, through to October. According to Airbnb, the missing payouts are in the midst of being returned to them by the 'new payment processor partner' (PPP staunchly refutes those payouts ever being sent to/received by them) and state they can only reissue the payouts if/when they ever make their way back to them.
It's difficult to understand why those payouts couldn't just be cancelled immediately, and fresh payouts issued by whatever means necessary to ease M&Ds hardships and suffering. But for reasons best known to themselves, Airbnb appear unable - or unwilling - to do so. We can only draw our own conclusions for that.
it's your bank's fault, it's the payment processor's fault, it's Chile's fault, it's your fault, it's a technical error, it's human error, it's a payment system error, it's the payment processors' error, we're not sure where the money is, money wasn't sent, money was sent, money wasn't sent because the details on your account are wrong, money was sent but you gave us incorrect ct details so it couldn't be processed and is in the midst of its way back to us, money was sent via new route so that must be the problem, we're using a new payment processor so that must be the problem, you're the problem and we're definitely not the problem. .
Was this a script from that well known Comedy Duo 'Morecambe & Wise' or 'The Chuckle Brothers' or was it from that other comedian's TV programme Mike Reid's Saturday Morning children's show where they shout " RUNAROUND - NOW!! " BTW.. view the link... In this case the answer is really number 3 !
(or search Youtube for "Runaround Mike Reid 1980s" )
If the situation wasn't so serious those excuses are simply comedic.
@Ian-And-Anne-Marie0 It would indeed be comedic if only we hadn't all been on the receiving end of this exasperating CS merry-go-round at some point. And the link between the outsourced CS's KPI's and need to keep refunds under $2.50 per 15 calls is???? Plain for all to see.
What a circus. Utterly disgraceful. For heaven's sake @Airbnb JUST PAY UP AND DO IT RIGHT NOW !!!
Hello team,
@Ute42, @Sharon1014, @Ian-And-Anne-Marie0, @Super47, @Sarah977, @Colleen253, @Heidi588, @Cormac0, @Helen3, @Mary419, @Alex893, @Inna22, @Emilia42,
Thank you for the support you have shown towards your fellow host here. It's really humbling to see and I think we all want this to be sorted as soon as possible.
As this is a private matter, I am limited on what I can comment on, but myself and fellow community managers @Sergi and @Katie have been speaking with Monika on a regular basis over the last few weeks to help find out more and ultimately help to get this resolved. One think I do want to clarify from one of the posts shared by you Super earlier in this thread, Sergi is actually the Community Manager of the SP CC, not a member of the Support Team, he has been trying to help with this.
A member of our Payments team has also been in contact with Monika and asked her to provide the updated information necessary to hopefully get this sorted, and continues to look into it. You may have seen Katie's response in another thread highlighting this.
The Airbnb Payments team are actively investigating an issue with some Chilean Payments being returned back to us. I am working closely with the Payments team and my delay in responding has been because I wanted to provide as much of an update as possible. When there is more information we will share more. Everyone is working to get this sorted as soon as possible.
Thank you again and speak to you soon.
Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.
Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.
"... myself and fellow community managers @Sergi and @Katie have been speaking with Monika on a regular basis over the last few weeks to help find out more and ultimately help to get this resolved"
I'm sorry @Lizzie.. but whaaaat????
Firstly, Monika has had no communication with yourself, whatsoever. She didn't even know who you were until I told her you were the Community Centre manager.
After having received no payouts since August 24th and having been given the runaround by numerous customer support staff since she first started contacting them daily on September 5th - in frustration and desperation to have someone take her case seriously, Monika sent a private message on September 16th to both Sergi, of the Spanish Community Centre, and Katie, of this Community Centre - the very same message that she posted here on the public forum to Catherine Powell on the same date (5th message from the bottom on the page below)
At that time, Monika (understandably) had no idea whatsoever that the Community Centre mods aren't actually Airbnb employees, but work for an outsourced online community forum management company - an easy mistake to make, when the deliberate impression given on the forum is that the mods are actually Airbnb employees, and are in any position to help distressed posters, in any way other than to relay messages back and forth.
On Sept 23rd, Sergi (clearly not having taken the time to read the details of her message properly) finally responded to Monika's PM with the template response that her bank details were invalid - the same excuse she'd been fobbed off with time and again by the many support agents she'd already been in contact with - and that she should contact Customer Support if she needed further assistance.
The only response Monika eventually had from Katie to her PM of September 16th, was also on the public forum on October 2nd, and read...
"My colleague @Sergi has been in touch with you several times to try and help you resolve this, and we have also been in touch with the Payments Support team about your case. They have let us know that they have provided you with the information for you to get the payment, but unfortunately they are still waiting on an action on your end. I see you haven't mentioned this in your message here, so please do make sure you have read the information they have sent you, and if you're having trouble then do reply to the team and they can advise"
At this point, Monika had been in touch with so many support agents, that she'd totally forgotten that the one response she'd had 10 days previously from the mod on the Spanish speaking CC, was from a guy called Sergi, who most certainly had not, as Katie claimed, "been in touch with you several times to try and resolve this" Sergi had merely given her the same old 'invalid bank details' line, and told her to contact CS. As can be seen above, Katie also insinuated that the fault for non-payment lay with Monika for not providing certain information and again, redirected her to seek assistance from the CS team who by then, had been messing her around and pushing her from pillar to post for almost an entire month.
The following day, Oct 3rd, the penny dropped with Monika who the Sergi that Katie was referring to actually was, and she messaged him to ask why Katie was posting that he'd been in touch with her 'several times' to help her resolve things, when that certainly wasn't the case.
On October 4th, Sergi responded, informing Monica that he's simply a Community Centre administrator in charge of the forum, has no ability to provide customer support and other than passing messages on, has no access to any information that could help her.
Neither Catherine Powell nor Tara Bunch have ever responded to the emails or private messages Monika has sent them.
So the claims of anyone speaking with Monika "on a regular basis over the last few weeks to try and get this resolved" are not only disingenuous, but complete balderdash. Seriously, what on earth is going on here...??
"A member of our Payments team has also been in contact with Monika and asked her to provide the updated information necessary to hopefully get this sorted, and continues to look into it..
I have seen the messages between Monika and the alleged "member of the Payments team" and quite frankly, they're like something from the twilight zone. If the person involved really is a member of the Payments team, then all I can say is - god help us all.
One example is an exchange from a few days ago, Oct 3rd, when Monika received a small payout of 72800 clp into her designated bank account, and she sent a message to this person stating that she'd received the payout, and therefore the constant claims of various customer support reps that she hadn't provided the correct bank details as an excuse for nor receiving her payouts, were clearly preposterous (otherwise how did that small payout manage to find its way to the right bank account?) And asking that the remainder of the payouts they owed her be deposited in the same account without delay.
The "payment team member' then responded with a document to 'prove' that the 72800 clp (that Monika had already told her she'd received) had been paid out, and told her she could use that document to trace the 'missing' 72800. Monika's repeated questions about where the rest of her payouts were, and when she'd receive them, went completely ignored.
Despite that payout successfully landing in her correct bank account, the following day she received another email telling her yet again that she needed to update her bank details in order to receive her missing payouts. The same bank details, for the same bank account, that an Airbnb payout had just been deposited in.
"The Airbnb Payments team are actively investigating an issue with some Chilean Payments being returned back to us"
According to Airbnb's payment processor partner in Chile, who has been depositing Monika's payouts into her bank account since April, her missing Chilean payments were not only not returned, but never received from Airbnb in the first place.
. I am working closely with the Payments team When there is more information we will share more.
The Payments team you're working closely with obviously failed to share with you that Monika received a payout of just over 500000 CLP this afternoon, with a notification that a further 700000 CLP has also been released (around half of the total she's owed) . To the same bank account, with the same details that she's always had - that everyone involved in this travesty has been insisting to her for the past 7 weeks were incorrect/inaccurate/she'd failed to provide.
@Lizzie @Ute42, @Sharon1014, @Ian-And-Anne-Marie0, @Super47, @Sarah977, @Colleen253, @Heidi588, @Cormac0, @Helen3, @Mary419, @Alex893, @Inna22, @Emilia42,
I believe you have forgotten to add my @ in your response. I repeat what @Super47 already mentioned in her reply to your post: I'm sorry @Lizzie.. but whaaaat???? . you have been in touch with me on regular basis? And who are you, where did you suddenly appear from? Maybe all those messages you and your friends were sending me on regular basis - maybe those messages are " in the midst of returning back to Airbnb"? @Super47 described everything perfectly how YOU and your colleagues were in contact with me. Are you serious? It was me who constantly since 05.09.2020 each day was calling you Airbnb, sending messages, begging to contact me, call me back - NOTHING. I was getting only those references numbers, promises that somebody will call me back in 24 h, - NOTHING!. My case was escalated to SOS Department ( anybody knows that Airbnb has such department because many Airbnb employees had no idea when I chase for any reply, my case was escalated to safety and security department, and of course payment department - anybody DID NOT BOTHER to do anything, call me, send a message - NOTHING. I have all messages I sent to Airbnb, all calls ( dates, times I did to the USA and Airbnb Chilean support number) , emails I sent to all possible people of Airbnb - NOTHING. NOBODY BOTHERED> Only when I put my post here and only when other lovely hosts started making noises - Jenell from payment department ( i have huge doubt that she works there as her messages show that this person has no idea what is going on and if I put here all her responses, anybody would agree - like for example she sent me lately transfer confirmation, Airbnb did to Worldpay UK for 72.805 CLP and told me to take it to my bank to trace the payment, a payment which is done via Argenpen in cash ( untraceable by any bank in the whole world ) is just embarrassing. IT was ME who was on regular basis trying to reach anybody in Airbnb to get my money back- you were ignoring me. All your responses here and from god knows who in Airbnb assistance support messaging - all those responses, excuses, are the insult to me, insult us hosts, an insult to human intelligence. If I would put all of those responses here, it would take another 20 pages or more. My payout details were NEVER wrong and Airbnb knows that. YOU changed payment route in April from sending a bank transfer to paying cash deposits without my permission and my acknowledge. YOU passed all my details to so many people based here in Argenper ( Calama, Antofagasta, now even Santiago ) and those people are passing my details to Servipag. YOU lied to me that telling that my bank details are wrong then my bank has a problem, then you have payment processor partner issues, then god knows what else, Then Eureka - you got new payment route! THIS new route - is the same you used to send my money in April, May and some August bookings - THE SAME ROUTE! We called Argenper, they got all our details from you, had an account set up for our name back in April. But they do not get transfers from Worldpay but another provider. To get more information from Argenper I have to pay 9 USD $ - to trace where my money is being sent from!. We have now 12.10.2020 and YOU still own me payments from August and two bookings in Septemeber. I keep sending every single day question to your experts - when you will send my missing money - On 07.10.2020 I got a reply :
Airbnb Support4:11 AM
Glad to hear that you have received the funds. All the previous payouts are all in the midst or returning back to Airbnb. Once it has been returned, it will be automatically reissued again via the new route.
You own me for below bookings back in August
Reservation HMYFM2MTYM - 36.161 CLP
Reservation HMYXD5A42T - 32.304 CLP
Reservation HMHWJFYHM5 – 100.771 CLP
Reservation HMYTNYXRJA -- 63.644 CLP
Reservation HMAZRWT93P - 71.358 CLP
and two bookings in Septemeber
HMFSBNJDK4 – 139.341 clp
HMQRBCEFWC – 93.537 clp
Since this reply from Airbnb on 07.10.2020 - no money, no responses. Is this @Lizzie how you, Airbnb is so actively investigating? Investigating what?
YOU employees of Airbnb - you did everything possible to make my and my family life a hell in the last few weeks. You did nothing to sort it, you did not care that we have nothing left, no penny, children to feed, keep warm in winter, pay bills. I begged you Airbnb to send OUR money. I begged you Airbnb so many times, crying and creaming my lunges! What you only care here is to defend your image.
You do not pay us money, you do not make here favours - WE hosts pay YOU for your services, for using this booking platform, for keeping our data safe and for the safe and fast delivery of OUR money.
What you did and still doing to us, to other people is a horrible, horrible thing.
Send us our money, now! And Bring back the payment method via bank transfer.
Without regards,