Hello- Does anyone have a sample cohosting contract they are...
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Hello- Does anyone have a sample cohosting contract they are willing to share? I was told by airbnb support that the communit...
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I currently live in Peterborough but am looking into the possibility of moving to Norwich over the next few months. However, my work will remain in Peterborough at least in the short term. So I would like to ‘trial’ living in Norwich to see whether doing so will be compatible with my work being in Peterborough. I would therefore like to know whether it is possible to book an air bnb in Norwich for a full month during the current lockdown? The government guidance doesn’t seem to clearly answer this question. It states that it is possible to stay in hotels, self-catering etc if they are your ‘main residence’ which the air bnb would be for that month although I would need to travel to Peterborough for work (that I cannot do from home) a couple of days a week and would stay at my parents house for those days but I understand this is allowable as part of a single person support bubble. I have also been living with my parents until now while I have been building up my business so do not have a property that I currently own or rent.
So can anyone confirm whether it would be permissible to make a month long air bnb booking based on the circumstances set out above?
@Jonathan1429 "Is it a good idea to go to the supermarket for necessary supplies in the middle of a fast moving pandemic instead of just ordering it all online and waiting for it to arrive?" Is it a good idea to take your daily exercise in a public area rather than in the isolation of your back garden?"
We're not talking about those things, we're talking about you wanting to rent a property for 1 month with a view to moving out of your parents house. You cannot compare your need to move out of your parents home to people buying food and exercising (not everyone has a back garden, those in London can attest to that).
"In an ideal world we would all seal ourselves in our homes and cease contact with every other human being but is that really something that we can reasonably ask people to do? The Government rightly recognises that the dangers of the COVID pandemic have to be balanced against other harmful effects of lockdown - e.g. mental health issues."
You've convinced yourself you're doing the right thing from the statement above. However, not everyone will share your sentiment.
You mentioned in a previous post that you held this off the previous year, why didnt you do this last summer when restrictions were lifted and infection rates were very low? Why choose now when it's the worst it's been? With what you've written I see no reason for you to hold this off for a few months.
@Robbie54 This is probably going to keep going on forever so instead of that why don’t we just agree to disagree? As I have unsuccessfully attempted to explain to you, I am very keen to follow the COVID-19 legislation so I was simply asking for a 2nd opinion as to whether my plans are within the Governments laws for the current situation. I was not asking for a self-righteous lecture. 😂 Other contributors to this conversation managed to answer that question without calling me ignorant and selfish. Anyway, let’s just leave it shall we?
@Jonathan1429 as you're not answering my questions probably a good idea. Probably all academic anyway as you'll more than likely find it difficult to find someone to host you during lockdown, no matter what the reason 🙂
@Jonathan1429 I was being truthful, you'll struggle. But if you want to be immature and immoral about it to further your point be my guest.
@Jonathan1429 to answer your question no, your plan to rent while you are looking is currently not within the law during covid. This is from the goverment website-
Hotels, hostels and other such public accommodation can be used by people while moving home or who are unable to return to their main residence There is no guarantee a particular hotel will be open to provide this service, so do check in advance. You must still ensure you stay only within your household and/or support bubble.
Second homes and other private accommodation can be used by people while moving home or who are unable to return to their main residence. You must still ensure you stay only within your household and/or support bubble.
As you are clearly able to return to your main residence, ie you still have one, and you are not moving home (only a view to doing so in the future) you cannot do what you ask. You can look at properties no problem, but you cannot rent while looking if you have still have a main residence. Airbnb have no jurisdiction on this.
As the law is quite clear on this, no grey areas, I hope it has put that one to bed.
@Robbie54 Thanks Robbie - a much more appropriately worded reply. The reality is that I would be doing exactly the same things (travelling to and staying in pboro with my support bubble a couple of nights a week) over the next month whether I took out a 6 month lease or book an air BnB so it's an example of the current laws being a bit ridiculous but I see your point. Thanks for your input.
@Jonathan1429 it's not a point I'm trying to make, I'm stating the law as it is at this time. I appreciate your eagerness to move out but the law is there for a reason, to help protect lives. As I mentioned in an earlier comment, even if the law allowed you to stay away to look for a property, even though you have a residence, common sense would tell me to wait a while, it's too risky given the current situation.
Given the law regarding your situation you will have to be patient, I'm sure you will be able rent while house hunting very soon.
If you're desperate have you thought of arranging a viewing for 3 or 4 properties in a day, considering Norwich is only roughly just under 2 hours away?
@Robbie54 I'm not personally sure it's quite as black and white as that with regard to the law and my plans but I do agree with your point that Manny hosts are not going to be confident accepting my booking given the fact it is such a grey area.
That's a good suggestion about making a few viewings on the same day which I will give consideration to. Thanks again.
@Jonathan1429 it's clearly black and white, you have a residence that you can go back to. You're not moving to Italy, its Norwich, just under 2 hours away. Youre clutching at straws here.
@Robbie54 It's no more clear than the guidance on whether it's ok to drive to exercise. Lettings agencies are still advertising short term rents for periods as short as one month. What's the difference between me taking out a one month lease and booking an air BnB for one month? Also, for how long do I have to move away for it to count as moving house? Where does the guidance specify this? I would also be using some of my time in Norwich to view properties to where I could make a permanent move. So it's not clear. As the other contributors have expressed, it's a grey area. Perhaps more black than white but still a grey area.
The main point is though that taking all of your comments into account I'm probably not going to try and book an air BnB. I don't think many hosts will be prepared to let me make the booking when the guidance isn't clear.
@Jonathan1429 lettings agencies would be under guidance of law, they'd have a list for who to rent to ie, key workers, those who are in the process of moving home. Hosts at Airbnb for example can choose whether to open their property to key workers, it is allowed under current law. The reason you want to rent a property does not fall within that criteria.
I do not believe it is a grey area, but don't take my word for it, call up Gov.co.uk and let them explain it to you, that's the only way you'll accept an explanation. You're reading between the lines and convincing yourself it's ok, but after reading the facts I gave you from the goverment website it's pretty clear you can't rent for the reason you give.
We all have to make sacrifices, yours isn't that much of one to hold off for a couple of months.
@Robbie54 You're missing the main point I'm trying to make. I have listened to your explanation and the explanation of the other contributors. I started off feeling fairly confident that my plans were within the law but having listened to all the various comments I have now changed my opinion and feel it's a grey area so am unlikely to pursue the air BnB route and will instead look at the short term leasing option. You may be right that short term leases are also only available to key workers but I have not seen that stated anywhere. Moving house is allowed so the question of how long your lease has to be to count as a move still stands. 2 weeks, 1 month, 2 months, 3 months 5 days, 4 months 10 days and 2 hours? The reality of its not stated anywhere. It's a grey area, up to the discretion of the lettings agency/landlord who will be aware that whatever decision they make will be subject to challenge by the appropriate authorities.
Anyway, this is an Air BnB forum. I've changed my opinion on going down that route having listened to everyone's comments so probably not much point continuing the conversation on this forum. Thanks for your advice and point of view.
@Jonathan1429 on a side note Norwich is lovely, there's a great Turkish restaurant called Haggle in the centre, well worth a visit when allowed.