Bug on phone app while editing listing description sections

Level 2
Vancouver, Canada

Bug on phone app while editing listing description sections

There is a bug while editing the listing descriptions. The keyboard glitches out and does not allow editing on all but the first section. 


Are any other hosts experiencing this on their phone apps?


2 Replies 2
Top Contributor
Cannes, France

Hello @Michael2451 


Can you tell us what type of phone you are using so that those with the same one can check if they have the same issue?

Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

Hello @Michael2451 👋


Sorry to hear you're having trouble with the app, and thanks to @Joelle43 for asking about the phone you’re using!


It would also be helpful to know which app version you're running. Could you also try the steps below and let me know if they resolve the issue?


  1. Log out (on all affected devices/browsers).
  2. Close all browser windows/tabs (on all affected devices/browsers).
  3. Open one new browser window (on all affected devices/browsers).
  4. Clear cache, cookies, and browser history (on all affected devices/browsers).
  5. Delete and reinstall the app (if applicable).
  6. Log in with the email associated with your Airbnb account.

Let me know how it goes!



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