Hello everyone! I'm working with a management company and I'm looking to cohost/provide cleaning services for airbnb hosts, however the state I reside in does not have the cohost feature available yet. What are some ways I can advertise our services and connect with Hosts in my area? We are based out of central Maine.
It's like any other business @Nathan3619 invest in researching and developing a marketing plan and marketing channels that clearly identify why hosts should use your services .
you can then promote your services to hosts you've identified as your target market.
to be able to use the Airbnb cohost function you need to be a superhost .
It's like any other business @Nathan3619 invest in researching and developing a marketing plan and marketing channels that clearly identify why hosts should use your services .
you can then promote your services to hosts you've identified as your target market.
to be able to use the Airbnb cohost function you need to be a superhost .