Good evening dear hosts!I wish everyone a good year with hea...
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Good evening dear hosts!I wish everyone a good year with health and prosperity!I would like to receive your opinions on a pro...
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Hi all,
I am new host and have been approached by a couple instagram collaborators whereby in return for free accommodation they promote your space or give you a few photos e.g. I'm wondering peoples thought about this. I'm not comfortable blocking out a date so they can stay due to insurance etc. Could you send a special offer or something?
I always say no to influencers wanting free stays, @Katie1023 , usually because their initial message is not up to the task of persuading me to work for nothing. If yours are better writers, though, it may be fine.
You do need to set up parameters. I'm going to drag @Ann72 into this, as I think I remember she had a good experience (thanks to her own savviness) with an influencer. She may have some advice for you.
@Katie1023 Most of these "influencers" think quite highly of themselves and are basically only looking for a free stay in exchange for a few minutes of their time posting something about your place. Which probably won't lead to you getting increased bookings.
They are usually entitled people to start with, and aren't even likely to appreciate a host agreeing to this enough to leave your place clean, may show up with extra guests etc.
Just the term "influencer" turns my stomach.
@Katie1023 I get these inquiries as well, and I always turn them down because I don't have an Instagrammy place, plus I'm pretty much always booked so no need for further promotion. I also think that most of the inquirers are chancers. However, if you're interested, there are a few questions you should ask yourself and the influencer.
1) How many followers do they have? Many people seem to believe they are influencers, but they have maybe 10k followers. That isn't an influencer. If they have 100k followers (or are in some niche market) maybe it's worthwhile, but ask that question.
2) What do you hope to get out of it? Just the promotion through IG, or do you want nice pics to add to your listing? If the latter, make sure you spell that out really clearly in your agreement. If you have something else you're expecting from them, again, spell it out really clearly.
3) Do you really feel it will benefit your listing, and if so, how specifically? Make sure you know what your end game is.
This likely won't be your last inquiry of this type, so it's good to work these things out ahead of time. Remember that most of these people are spamming multiple hosts with the same request.
Thanks, @Lawrene0 🙂 @Katie1023 I wouldn't do it for the influence, but I have done it for the photos twice and I've gotten brilliant shots from it. I have a simple one-page agreement that spells it out - in return for a stay of no more than two nights, I get 25 high-resolution photos to use in any way I wish to promote my space.
I have definitely gotten more Instagram followers from these guys, but, again, I wouldn't do it for that. I'm not sure their audience is my clientele, anyway! But the good photos that are so hard to get in Maine have made a much bigger difference. I looked through a lot of their photographic work before agreeing because you want someone who is really, really good at photographing interiors, not an easy thing to do without the right lenses.
Thankyou @Ann72 . Great advice. I too really am after some good photos so I'll do my research if I get anymore enquiries. Have a great day
Sending a special offer sounds like a very good way to go about this so your collaborators will be properly booked in which is a concern you refer to @Katie1023 . By the way I had a look at your Listing. It sounds so amazing. May I ask do you charge a sufficient return for the delicious sounding food that you serve? Great to have such an add-on! And Stevie is an RV? Are you renting the place she is located? Is she nearby your home?
@Katie1023 I was very touched to read your request that people do not climb the local sacred mountain. Does this mean that respect for Aboriginal peoples is returning? Is this something you are involved with? Appreciate such consideration and was so distressed to hear of indigenous peoples being relocated in unpressurised aeroplanes by Rio Tinto Zinc in the 60's during my school years. Has there been any compensation to those forcibly relocated? Such disgraceful conduct. Thank you for what you do.