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I need a cleaning co for my small 1 br air b n b ** text me Scott
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We have been hosting for two years now and have been doing ok with our pictures. We found this website http://do360now.com that does virtual tours for real estate. Here's a Sample of 360 Virtual Tour for showing the properties
The way it works is that they come and shoot pictures with a 360 camera and then they provide a link similar to what I have on the top where you can add to your listings or website.
We can't seem to be able to add this link to our pictures or to our discription. Does anybody know how we could add 360 Virtual Tour to our listing?
Thank you indvacned,
Answered! Go to Top Answer
Create a QR code with the 360 virtual tour hyperlink and add it to your photos on Airbnb 🙂
[Personal advertising hidden]
I do provide such a full virtual tour service.
[Personal advertising removed]
Hello everyone, @Clement0, @Jon66, @Pei2, @Ruoxi0, @Seth18,@Damir0, @Dj1, @Michele194, @Clarence5, @Nick30, @Gj0, @Manideep0,
It is great to see this discussion is still active and that you are so excited by 360 videos. The technology for this just seems to be getting better and better.
I just wanted to mention, you may have seen some of the links and content has been removed from the comments here, this is because CC personal advertising is not permitted, as you can imagine if it were we would be slightly inundated with promotional material which is not the point of the Community Center.
Going back to the topic. I shared quite a few months ago a link to an idea to add a video option to listings, which was created in our ideas board 'Host Voice', unfortunately it didn't quite receive enough support to be featured and so the idea was archived. If there is still a strong feeling towards this being implemented, perhaps one of you would like to start a new idea in Host Voice with a clear overview of what your idea is, why it would be benefical and how you think it could work. The most community supported ideas are then reviewed by the Product Team. 🙂
Lastly, this got me thinking it would be great to hear your thoughts, if this were to be implemented, how do you think you could insure the quality of videos being added to each listing is of a good standard across the whole platform? For example, would you perhaps have a similar programme to the Airbnb photographer programme? Would you make this an optional thing? It would be great to hear your thoughts. 🙂
I hope this is helpful and let continue this.
Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.
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Thank you for your replying!
I am pretty passionated with 360-degree photos.
There are lots of advantages of 360-degree photos compared with videos or third-party applications. I also endorse a similar program with the professional photography program.
I did a deep research in every aspect of the implementation including user's need analysis, technology details, operation from the user's end, buget plan (not specific because we are outsiders) and the future of VR.
I will hopefully post a well-written proposal in the Host Voice in two weeks. The only ploblem might be that I would write too long to fit in the post.
You can create a free tour with Get360VR.com Here's an example tour. Works for Desktops and Mobile devices.
Try it it out on your phone. https://get360vr.com/locations/108-roman-chapel-rd-gordonsville-tn-38563
Hi, Lizzie:
360 Panorama Display with Interaction is NOW freely supported by Google Chrome. We use a very low-cost camera to take spherical 360 panorama images for the environment, both OK for indoor and outdoor .
With 1 single spherical 360 panorama image, you can view the environment in VR mode already, but you CANNOT walk to whereever you wish to go.
With many more spherical 360 panorama images, you can even build up the 3D environment, something quite similar to building 3D with mulitple planar images. Our demonstraion at http://www.longervision.ca/#/app/properties/sale/8b82b821-f38a-4329-820b-4019d8aee586 has already shown what can be done for airbnb ...
1) 3D Overview - by clicking the right-top corner "3D-house" icon
2) 3D Meansurement - by clicking the right-top "ruler" icon
3) With a cell phone + Google Cardboard, there will be an "Eye" icon at the bottom right corner. You can even walk into the environment, to whereever you want to go. This, clearly, beats all traditional Virtual Tour.
4) The following image shows the VR mode. Yup, you can definitely have the immersive feeling.
So, yes, I wonder if there is a potential collaboration with airbnb? We do all services in West Coast, north America...
Expecting 360 pano will be able to walk into airbnb.
Is it possible to add a url link in your lising on Airbnb?
Hello Airbnb Team,
People from Reunion Island ask me how to insert a 360 virtual tour inside their customer Airbnb page
Hi All,
I also think that adding 360º virtual tours (based on photos, NOT video) and maybe later on also 360º videos is of a great value for people looking for a place to rent.
And on the other side, for the owners it is a great way to show their property.
Recently I shot a few apartments in the Gambia for similar (local) purposes. The owners are using it in a Gambian app and website.
Because of the virtual tours, the app has been awarded the Most Innovative Award of the Gambia of 2017, issued by the GCCI (Gambia Chamber of Commerce and Industry) about a month ago.
Just a few links to locations I've shot (no commercial intent) to illustrate how it actually does work on both desktop, mobile as well as on VR goggles, by simply embedding one link per location and WITHOUT any additional plugin whatsoever:
I hope these won't get deleted, as they illustrate what will be the future...
the host can make these themself on a platform like cloudpano.com
I just had my home professionally photographed and had a virtual tour made. I (and others it would seem) think it would be really great to be able to post the tour on my listing. Air BnB - can you make this possible sometime soon please?
Hello Airbnb Team,
There is a posibility in the near future to insert a 360 virtual tour inside a customer page?
Thank you.