Hello, I was wondering the best place to get a pool waiver a...
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Hello, I was wondering the best place to get a pool waiver as well as a bike waiver. I currently own/rent and manage a home w...
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I'm a host and am in need of support with cleaning, restocking, and managing my rental.
According to Airbnb's website, Airbnb offers a directory for co-hosts who want to support hosts https://www.airbnb.com/co-hosting/start, but don't have their own space. Where do I find this directory?
Does anyone have recommendations on where I can find someone to co-host and manage my property? Any feedback would be appreciated.
Thank you! 😃
Answered! Go to Top Answer
If you need a co-host, Airbnb's answer that 'Hey! Ask a friend or neighbour to help!' is not terribly useful..........but you can register your interest on the site, and the registered co-hosts in your area can then see your listing and get in touch is
How do you search for available co-hosts from the app? Can you search from the app or do you need to search from computer? Thanks in advance
I live and host in Whistler. i will be happy to host and organize your rental for you.
I may be late to the conversation and people may already know but it appears that this link is what was being looked for https://www.airbnb.com/co-hosting . The original poster added /start to the end and it takes you somewhere else.
Have you check this app? VCino? It's a platform that connects homeowners with co-host from their neighborhood.
[Link hidden]
I am looking for a co-host
Hi, We are in the process of creating a directory for certified Co-Host. Follow us on Facebook to find out more.
[Link hidden]
Can you reveal the link to your directory so I can enlist.
Thank You
Hi Brad you can look on AirBNB summerlin walk to lake.
Please help us perfect our app by completing this anonymous and short survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/S7WNK8B
How do I become a co host in the panana city beach area. I've been doing this for over 4 years and have great reviews plus i do cleans. Can some one point me in the right direction. Thanks
Please help us perfect our app by completing this anonymous and short survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/S7WNK8B
Hello All,
I offer co-hosting and property management/maintenance services for vacation homes in the Los Angeles area. I'm always seeking new clients. I host a beautiful property below the Hollywood sign on Mt. Lee among many others. I'm skilled and knowledgeable in this area with 10 years of construction/renovation and handyman experience. I have an AA in Architecture and a B.S. in Accounting. My talent and work ethic create benefits and advantages for property owners in the form of time and cost savings. I love working with people and have the personality for it. I'm a creative problem solver and I've created a system that adds value for property owners as well as guests. I maintain a five star review on AirBnb and can furnish references upon request. Please feel free to Email me or pass this on to a friend in need.
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Thank You!
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