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My guest wants to change the review because he made a mistake, how can it be done?
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I don't think it could be done, unfortunately 😞 Once the reviews are written, they cannot be edited. Maybe contact Airbnb and they will try to fix it. A staff member cancelled one of our guests once by accident, and we had a cancelled review, and once they fixed the problem, they got rid of the review.
Thanks to the attempt to help. I will try to do so!
If the review has not been posted and less than 48 hours, it can be edited. After that, it would take Air BNB action and the guest has to be the one to contact Air BNB.
Thank you so much, it's helpful information, but my guest is not very skilled with Airbnb (neither am I much better) so it will remain incorrect given rating.
Thank you for your reply,
This happened to me too. A guest gave 3 on location when they actually deliberately picked the location because they were visiting with their daughter who lived right here, so the location couldn't have been any more ideal, also of course the location happens to highly desirable by all real estate standards, and thirdly even if it weren't someone familiar with the location (as in this case) THERE IS A MAP! So there should NEVER be a 3 for location. Anyway, I did ask the guest about this because it was so very odd. The guest said that she's not 'very good at using her Ipad' (and older woman), so she must have hit the wrong thing. I told this to Airbnb and they said that it couldn't be changed. The guest told Airbnb and they told the guest it couldn't be changed. So, that is absolutely ridiculous. Airbnb really needs to allow for some kind of repeal on reveiws for odd situations or also for provably false reviews, or even other strange situations: I once had a guy complain about the 'weak' Internet which I had never experience myself there so I would never have known about it, but 1) he didn't complain to me about it when he was actually staying there -- I could at least checked out his problem, tried to help by calling my ISP, but the other issue turned out that 2) he had more people staying in the apartment than he booked it for, which could have been straining the Wifi if they were all on devices at the same time. I had left him a good review because I am a kind and lenient host (flexible about the extra people because, I didn't know about it until the end of their stay because they were snuck in sometime after check-in, and also they didn't seem to be loud or messy, so I thought "no harm done"). This is how this Airbnb review system screws very hospitable hosts. It doesn't help us to simply repsond on the site to the bad review left by the guest, becaus that online complicated 'he said/she said' just never looks good for anyone. Plus my response ONLY shows up on my profile and listing page, NOT THE GUEST'S -- so future hosts can't see wha this guest actually did, and they can't see my f/u response to the guest which is more telling about him than my initial review. All anyone sees on the guest's page is my very initial nice reveiw. This is all so ridiculous. Airbnb needs to put in place a system for handling appeals to reveiws. An online form and specific policies and guidelines that allow for repeal, and a team at Airbnb to review these repeals. If the review system is the backbone of Airbnb as they profess, then they should invest a little more into making it work better for everyone.
Thank you for sharing your experience - these examples you gave are also experienced other hosts. If the guest told Airbnb that he accidentally makes a mistake in giving marks - stars, Airbnb system would have to accept the correction. These examples that you describe clearly show weaknesses rating system - Airbnb should improve the evaluation system.
Thank you.
Thank you for described examples. I agree completely with the fact that weaknesses rating system Airbnb should fix.
It seems to me that should not be hard to change a rating if the customer reports a mistake.
Thank you!
i am horrified and seriously thinking about closing down my airbnb after 34 bookings and 72 % of them being 5 star. I have had a review written up to 10 bookings ago saying i have bed bugs... over 10 more bookings and no one else has had the problem . there are no bed bugs in my airbnb.. I slept in the bed myself to make sure.. but the accusation is on my listing now and the damage is there.. this is not fair. all the effort and work i have put into this airbnb and i feel this problem needs to be addressed.
If you get a pest control company in to confirm there are no bed bugs, I believe you can ask airbnb to remove that review.
That's sounds like "Malicious Defamation" to me, and simply should not be acceptable without proof.
Why should we as Host have accept lower standard of justice then common law allows, on the Airbnb Platform?
The Explorer's Club Krakow
This has happened to me twice. The first time support fixed it last year. This time, they say the are no longer able to fix it. It's pretty ridiculous that they can't correct these even after both the guest and I have contacted them, and it is stated that it was a mistake in the message history. With no method to correct obvious mistakes, the rating system is pointless.
I could not agree with you more! I am Christina from Greece - host with the exact same issues!
Don't waste your time, I had a guest that inadvertently gave me three stars for location and he contacted Airbnb to explain his mistake only for Airbnb to explain that they could not contact the Host in other words me to find out what the problem was.
So, I contacted Airbnb only to be told that there is nothing they can do because of a their "protocol" even though both Guest and Host agree there is a mistake that needs to be fixed.
Now, I have one three-star rating that should not be there, but they refuse to fix it because of a Protocol, this reminds me of Eastern European bureaucracy and is total nonsense.
Fortunately for me I've delist the apartment, but it does not fix the mountain of bureaucracy that Airbnb are accumulating, rather than fixing flaw systems and software.
The Explorer's Club Krakow III
Hello everyone,
so it has been only a few minutes since I posted a review. I would like to add a couple of points to it. However, there is no "edit" option. How can I fix this?
Thanks in advance,