New Badge: This Host Prefers Vaccinated Guests

Level 2
Hinesburg, VT

New Badge: This Host Prefers Vaccinated Guests

I would like to be able to add an indicator / Tag / badge on my listing that shows that we "Prefer guests who have been COVID-19 vaccinated "   


I don't want to ask for or police people's vaccination status -  I just want to make it clear to potential guests that when they book that we prefer guests who are vaccinated. 


The badge could be similar in appearance to the current  Super Host Badge - and when booking and Airbnb you could search for listings that have this badge.


Company after company in the past two weeks are mandating vaccination for their employees - I feel like the least we could do is make it clear we prioritize public health and take it seriously.   I bet it would increase our views and rentals.  


Airbnb can we do that? 

28 Replies 28

@Peter3096  I don't think Airbnb would support badges that advertise a preference for one kind of guest over another in any category. Even if the Discrimination policy doesn't forbid it (and I'm not sure that's even settled), it just goes against the "everyone belonging anywhere" brand messaging. 


There are plenty of folks out there who have valid medical reasons not to receive the vaccine or who are still in the queue for their second dose. And listings like yours - self-contained, remote, and with self-check-in - are by far the most safe and responsible places for these people to stay. It would not be a net gain for community safety if unvaccinated people feel unwelcome on Airbnb and choose to vacation at crowded resorts or hotels instead.


@Kia272 adding this kind of preferences to a listing could end up in a suspension.

@Olivier906 my house rules have included vaccination (when available, if not medically exempt) as a hard requirement for over a year. Nothing in Airbnb TOS disallows it.

@Lisa723 good to know, thanks

@Lisa723 Have you asked them to prove being vaxed? Or do you just say its a requirement?

I've just started hosting and with cases increasing again I'm wanting to add something that says I want guests who are vaccinated and following protocols as I am, but not sure where to put it or how to say/require....etc. Thanks.

@Gail696 our house rules say all guests must be vaccinated unless medically exempt, and we reserve the right to require proof.


Listing description, and post-booking message, reiterate to read the rules, with directions on finding them, and to let us know if anything presents a problem so we can help with cancellation.


So far we have not asked anyone to prove it. Hoping it is a deterrent.

I just phoned Airbnb, and they stated that I should list my requirement that guests be vaccinated in my house rules.

Level 10
Takoma Park, MD

@Peter3096 So just put it in your listing. What's a badge going to do for you? Not everything has to be sanctioned by AirBnB. It's your property- state your preferences. 

Level 10
South Bruce Peninsula, Canada



Just my opinion, but there is a huge difference between an employment contract and a private Airbnb contract.  You may want to consider the legal ramifications related to Privacy and Personal Medical Information laws in your area.  I, personally, would not risk the legal reprecussions.

Nope. You can't be sued for that any more than you can be for not allowing them to smoke in your place. Maybe it's different in Canada.

Level 10
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

@Peter3096   @Anonymous 

It is controversial if a badge (to opt in or out) would be something discriminatory. It would be a personal decision/choice in front of the pandemic.


However, I think it is plausible that, in the future it may become a "policy" of Airbnb to ask for vaccine certificate from the guests.
If the guest has some medical issue with the vaccine it could have a certificate that says that one can not take the vaccine.
If some air companies ask vaccine certificate and also some countries ask for it as well to enter the country, why it would be so unreasonable if Airbnb asked a certificate as well?
In some cities vaccine certificate is required to go to cinema and theatre.
Of course that it would not be possible to implement some policy  now because lots of people has not taken the first of second dose. Anyway, later on it is  a matter to be considered.


To demand vaccine certificate is not something new.
Some time ago, long before the pandemic, I visited Bolivia and Peru. It was necessary to be vaccined against a kind of ilness/fever to prevent problens when visiting arqueological sites near the jungles. In other words, a vaccine certificate it was necessary to enter those countries. It is not a discriminatory measure, it is a safe measure.

If one can not be vaccinated, it is better to stay at home instead of getting an ilness in another country.

The same thoguht may aplly to the vaccine against Corona Virus. If someone do not want to get vaccinated, better staying at home instead of spreading the virus or getting sick in another city or country.

Level 3
Los Angeles, CA

Airbnb in general could make it their policy to prefer vaccinated guests. There's nothing wrong with that, and I wish they would. I will add it to my listing. My husband has a 5% chance of surviving a bad case of COVID and, though I've been a superhost for over 11 years, it's not worth the risk.

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

I 'prefer' lots of things, @Barbara88, but it's a meaningless word. I prefer Sancerre, but more often than not I'll guzzle the cheap stuff.

I'd be very happy for organisations to mandate a vaccine for their (non exempt) customers, but preferring them means nothing. 

Level 2
Austin, TX

If you are not going to interact directly with guests. I don't see the point. If you will be sharing spaces with them, I think you have a point. Talk to Airbnb before you do anythiing.