The Programmers Strike Again

Level 10
Swannanoa, NC

The Programmers Strike Again

This morning I logged into my Host account and then went to the menu to move to the Community Pages.  Much to my surprise, the link to the Community was no longer listed as Community, but as Connect with Hosts Near You.  Seriously?  Way to go AirBnB -- make it harder for hosts and guests to know where to go for more information.




18 Replies 18

Dear @Stephanie   I reported this issue to the forum and customer service a MONTH ago, and the link for the desktop menu still reads "Connect with hosts near you" instead of Community Forum, as it does on the mobile App.  And yes, I have deleted my cookies, cleared my cache and updated my browsers plural.  


How is this serving the guest and host community?  If you hadn't noticed, the number of persons participating on the forum has decreased, probably since many have not figured out where the Community forum has gone, or as a guest seeking answers, they are not going to click on what appears to be a Host only link.


Why do AirBnB programmers insist on making our search for answers HARDER?



It's been a REALLY long time, and the problem is still not fixed.


Level 10
Hay Valley, Australia

yes I wondered what had happened. i was just down for 2 weeks at my airbnb farm and happily too busy to be online much, when i've returned back to my office i was most confused. for a second I thought they had done away with the forum altogether.... wouldn't surprise me tbh. 

Level 10
Jersey City, NJ

I had originally thought they purposefully hid the forum when they made the change, so instead of 1 click from the drop down menu, it's now 3  clicks and you have to know what you're looking for or you would never find it....but, given the new search debacle....I'd guess they are simply that incompetent.


Still, I don't get it.  Airbnb communicates with all guests and hosts by their platform, an extremely easy way to reach out to their stakeholds that would be the envy of most other companies in the world.  They could EASILY survey hundreds of thousands of hosts and guests every year, even every quarter, gleening all kinds of useful information on preferences and using that to build new features. They could segment and survey guests and hosts in any number of ways, by country, by type of property rented, by size, by category, length of stay, frequency of use, by age, by family status.  Airbnb's platform would be a marketer's dream and they don't seem to use it for anything.


But, they never do.  It seems they sit around their brainstorming conference room in SF and come up with this stuff, then it gets rolled out, barely even tested before going live.