What hosts are saying

    I want to use the old tool where I could check the latest price recommendations for certain dates and decide for myself whether I want to change them. It seems the new tool option is to only let AirBnB make those decisions without being able to consider ... Latest reply by Pam15
    Witam mam klika ofert - każda oferta prowadzona jest przez różne firmy ale ja jestem gospodarzem jak mogę ustawić rózny numer nip przypisany indywidaualnie do oferty ? Hello, I have several offers - each offer is run by different companies but I am the ... Latest reply by Paula
    i sumitted my application of primary residence to the CITQ on may 19, 2023, and since then have tried to call and email for and update, but no one evr answers the phone or emails. Does anyone know how long it will take to recieve a registration number aft... Latest reply by Bhumika
    გამარჯობა, 12 ში დავაჩექინე სტუმარი, დღეს დილის 3 საათზე შევცვალე ბარათი სადაც თანხა უნდა ჩარიცხულიყო, (რადგან აღარ ვიყენებ იმ ძველ ბარათს და არ მახსოვს რომელი ბარათი იყო) მაინტერესებს თანხა ჩაირიცხება თუ არა ახლად მითითებულ ბარათზე? მადლობა Translati... Latest reply by Jenny
    I had six properties before the pandemic. I closed two as soon as it hit. I converted two into long term rentals around June. Not because I could not stomach the downturn but because I could not stomach airbnb as a partner. This was a business for me so t... Latest reply by Anna13136