2 night weekend booking.

Level 8
Ashcott, United Kingdom

2 night weekend booking.


Have been a host for many years but still don’t know if what I want to do is possible.  


If on on a particular weekend I am not available to check a guest in or clean a room on Saturday (I host a room in my home)  but technically Saturday night is free, then if I block it off I lose potential 2 night bookings for Friday/Saturday or Saturday/Sunday.  Is there any way to get around this I wonder.



5 Replies 5
Level 10
Florence, Canada

Yes. It is in the Availability section, @Melanie33 . Click "Edit" beside Check-in and Checkout, then choose "Specify days of the week when guests can't check in" at the bottom.

Level 8
Ashcott, United Kingdom

Thank you @Lawrene0.


Guess as hosts (and guests) there is always more to learn!

Level 10
La Quinta, CA

@Melanie33   If this issue is only related to a specific weekend or date range, I understand that @Lawrene0  recommendation will affect the whole booking window.  So if you do not allow check in on Saturday it will affect all the Saturdays.



You're right, @Linda108 . 

@Melanie33 , are you able to create a rule-set in your calendar? The Help section says you must have 6 listings or more to do this, but I am being allowed to set one with my 2 listings, or so it says in my multi-calendar. Within the rule-sets, I see, the days when check-in is not allowed is customisable to specific dates. 

It might not be possible with one listing. 

Level 8
Ashcott, United Kingdom

Hi  @Linda108 @Lawrene0 .


I think I probably can’t do it with just one listing.  It is only the occasional weekend so I shall just have to accept no booking for Saturday.

Thank you both for your help.