A guest has stayed 3 days past original booking and wants a bill so his company can pay.

Level 2
Orlando, FL

A guest has stayed 3 days past original booking and wants a bill so his company can pay.

How can airbnb send a bill so my guest's company will pay for the extra days rather than pay out of his pocket?

6 Replies 6
Level 1
Scarborough, ME


i think it's much better for you to 

insist the guest reserve and book through Airbnb.  The guest can then print his/ her credit card statement with Airbnb charge for reimbursement from employer. 

He already has stayed the 3 days past origional booking so how can I get Airbnb to get payment through his company.

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

This is not an acceptable request by your guest.


Normally when the guest requests  extra days the host raises a request through BNB for him/her to approve. for the extra days.


The guest  should then have paid this before you let him stay.


Unfortunately it sounds like this hasn't happened.


Contact him now, make sure he pays and then he can print off the booking confirmation and claim it back through his company.


Why on earth would BNB send a bill to a company on the say so of a guest, when the company didn't authorise the booking.

Level 2
Orlando, FL

I came up with a solution, perhaps not proper but being new it seemed the only day. I raised my daily rate to triple price, then booked him for a day in the future (when he won't come). He has the company credit card but couldn't pay cash to get reimbursed so this got me paid for the 3 days he stayed past date, -- due to the hurricane and flight delays. 

You could have sent him a request to pay through the Resolution Center.  Your way was quite clever but has resulted in a day that no one else can book in the future.

Level 10
Urangan, Australia

If the guest has not accepted cancel this! Often the employer will not pay for future stays and they have a cap on nightly expenditure. This may not help. Go through Airbnb.