A way of trading days for superhost that would allow for swapping days with other superhost rentals

Level 1
Melbourne, FL

A way of trading days for superhost that would allow for swapping days with other superhost rentals

There should be a way for superhost to trade days with other superhost.

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Berkeley, CA

Hi Danna & Carey I have often thought about that myself! By that I mean doing a swap of places-the 2 issues I see are not wanting to pay a fee for doing this and the funky reputation a few bad apples have given super hosts as guests. I've had lovely guests who were also hosts but it is true that 2 of my very few undesirable guests were fellow hosts ( one family probably way overdid the recreational edibles- my adult kid was amazed at the quantity of packaging she saw me sorting into the bins) What do you have in mind? Sally