I am currently having a horrific experience with Airbnb. I ...
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I am currently having a horrific experience with Airbnb. I had a PAST reservation cancelled. The guest have already stayed. ...
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Xavier from Airbnb,
This site is primarily guests and hosts who share the Airbnb experiences with each other. It is not Airbnb customer service, and no one who participates will be able to make any changes on behalf of Airbnb. I recommend that you continue trying to work with Airbnb customer service to achieve a more amenable solution for you.
I have shared my experience as a Host with others so that other hosts can learn from my experience.
What has happened with me can happen with any Host.
**[Inappropriate content removed - Community Center Guidelines]
I understand you are upset because of your situation @Gagan16 , but there is no need to get rude, especially when others have not been rude to you.
You wrote your original post in the manner which makes it seem like a letter/a message to customer service person. Of course that might lead people to think you have mistaken this forum for something it is not, and hence they try to help by guiding you towards the right channel to handle the matter.
Besides - if you did not wish people to help you, perhaps the HELP-forum is not the best place to post your experience.
I didn't ask for your comments . Neither did i ask for your HELP.... So pl keep your advice to your self.
Why did you post in the help section then?
Anyway, one of the main purposes for this forum, especially the Help section of it, is for users to offer advice to one another. There's a reason that @Debra300 is the top contributor at the moment. It means that she got the most thumbs up, i.e. that a lot of people appreciate her advice.
So, why don't you grow up, stop being so rude and simply don't post here if you can't even handle some simple, perfectly polite advice when offered? I wouldn't be surprised if Airbnb CS hung up on you. You seem like an abusive person.
I posted this in the HELP section to help others my be this simple fact is very difficult for you to understand.
Unlike some of you others like to learn for things posted on this forum .
The more i interact on this platform i feel there are some people who don't want to learn from others experiences so good for you...
Just to clarify neither did i ask for any guidance nor did i ask for any help i only stated the facts that happened with me so that if the same happens with any other Host they are prepared for it.
I hope that the same happens with you and when you post your experience in the community you are given the same treatment...
Oh and i just forgot to mention if by writing unwanted advices you become the top contributor then that's great keep it up you guys....
@Gagan16 All you did was post a message you sent to Airbnb. Nowhere did you say that you posted it to help anyone else out to know they weren't alone if a similar thing happened to them. Do you expect that people would be mind readers to understand your intention in posting this?
No one here has been rude to you, they simply didn't understand your intention. Yet you have been aggressively rude to everyone who answered.
And when you post on a public forum, then telling those who respond "I didn't ask for your comments" is ridiculous and nasty.
I hope you don't treat your guests the way you treat those who responded, thinking you needed help.
you don't need to be an Einstein or a Mind reader all you need is bit of Logic which i am sure you missed out on .
If people respond just for the heck of responding and that to without any sense then you need tell them, and that is what i have been doing, but i am surprised to to see that there is no end ...
My guest are very happy and satisfied with me and my services, i have all my doubts about yours.
Yes you are correct you need help as you miss out on small simple logic, may be if you need i could help you with a good doctor.
The way how you "tell them" has a great impact on how you and your messages are received. For example, if you had from the start - or while replying the first time to Debra - stated something along the lines of "This was to warn you guys what happened to me, so you'll know to watch out", in a polite tone, I believe all would have been good and people would have understood your point.
Now though, you resorted to rudeness immediately and seemed to expect others to be mind-readers, who understand the stranger's intentions immediately, even if the logic indeed points towards another direction (your message started with an address towards specific Airbnb CS rep, and ended with a typical farewell phrase, both of which imply that it is a message addressed to that particular CS rep, instead of being a general topic starter).
And wow, seriously? Implying that someone needs medical help because you do not agree with them? How very classy 🙄
@Gagan16 wrote:
My guest are very happy and satisfied with me and my services, i have all my doubts about yours.
Why's that then @Gagan16 ? @Sarah977 is a Superhost with a 5.0 rating from her guests, which would suggest they are happier than even yours. Again, another insult flung without any reasoning other than people didn't respond to your 'helpful' post by saying, "Oh my. You are so clever!!"
Again, remind me. Who is it that needs to 'grow up'?
Actually, I have learnt a huge amount from the many helpful hosts on this forum. I am not sure how I would have managed hosting so well without them. I have posted many times asking for guidance and am not rude to anyone who replies, regardless of whether I agree with them or not. So, accusing me of not wanting to learn from others is just an ill-informed snap judgement on your side as clearly you have not bothered to read my posts before berating me.
I'm sorry, but I still don't see how your post is 'helpful' in any way. It is simply a rant to Airbnb about a problem you encountered with no solutions and then you rant at anyone who tries to offer advice. How does that help anyone?
Again, if you don't like 'unwanted advices', then don't post on the Help forum. It's there for people asking for Help. Duh!
Oh, snap! You are so insightful. How did you know that my ultimate goal in life is to grow up to be an old woman? I missed your invisible statement that the post was an FYI, and you already knew what to do to remedy the situation. However, I did deduce just how successful your tactics have been working for you thus far. It's no wonder that your account is suspended if your comments to me are the way you communicated with Airbnb. Well, I am working on my active listings so I'll leave you to it.
Again you have started ... Come on grow up...