I was really excited and pleased to get my Superhost status this July. I only started AirBnB in March this year but I've loved having people to stay and feel I go the extra mile - and guest reaction has been great. But since I achieved this, I've literally only had 2 x one night bookings... whereas in previous months I've had between 9 and 11 bookings per month, some for multiple days.
Is this a seasonal thing ... do people literally stop looking and booking in July? Number of views has been down by a third too ... yet I regularly update my calendar and tweak my listing. And it is still visible.
Or has somehow my Superhost status put me into a category where there is more competition, so I'm actually being seen less? Everyone else around where I live seems to be a Superhost too.
I'm really disappointed, I was expecting more bookings with this 'Seal of Quality'!