AirBnB collecting host personal information by October 18

Level 1
London, United Kingdom

AirBnB collecting host personal information by October 18

Anyone know why AirBnB suddenly wants verified host names, addresses, bank details when it has already collected these?

And does it apply to everyone, or only to hosts who have had payouts over a certain level?

In all countries, or only the UK?

5 Replies 5
Level 10
Scotland, United Kingdom


Are you sure this is a genuine request from air bnb? And not possible identity theft in action.


Ive had no such requests.


But I have noticed strange activity on my payments section last night.

A payment of 2 pence from a guest last night,who stayed this summer .

This morning a payment of 4 pence from another who stayed this summer.





Level 10
Dublin, Ireland

@John0  Airbnb typically requires these updated details to be provided (under threat of payout curtailment) when they're preparing to hand over sensitive host information to the authorities, so that the data they're sharing on each host is current. 


Dublin hosts had to comply with this  requirement recently, immediately prior to everyone receiving letters in the post from the Revenue. 

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Probably because you are hosting in London? 


Why not give Airbnb a call to make sure it is genuine and find out why?

Level 10
Atascosa, TX

@John428  It's legit. Call AirBnB in a few cases I heard it was a government ID that had expired and/or needed to be replaced. 

Level 2
Queensland, Australia

The same thing has just happened in Australia, now Airbnb has collected enough of my personal data to open a bank account in my name or go into my bank and change my bank details. Even if we trust each and every Airbnb employee to be honest, how can they ensure a hacker wont sooner or later hack their systems and empty the bank accounts of a million or so hosts. I didn't believe it could be genuine, and thought it must be a spammer, so I contacted Airbnb support and was informed it was genuine and must be done immediately or they would stop payments. Not good! Not sure if I should stop hosting... even if I do will they delete my data or retain it... I think they are getting just too big to care.