I am now already in a +10 day discussion with Airbnb on an i...
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I am now already in a +10 day discussion with Airbnb on an issue of blocked days that are being switched to 'active' in the c...
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I have been using the Airbnb app on my iphone for several years and it always pushed notifications that show up as soon as a message comes through. But all of a sudden it stopped doing that about a week or so ago and now my responses to guests are getting delayed because I only see the messages when I check my email or proactively check the app. I already tried deleting and re-installing the app. Anyone having a similar issue or experienced this that found a fix? thanks!
Hello @MicheleandLouw0 @Ian-And-Anne-Marie0 @Doug-And-Justine0 @Jessica-and-Henry0, are any of you still experiencing this issue?
Mine also started working with no changes on my end. I think they started working yesterday.
It came right on its own after some weeks. Lovely to hear the AIRBNB notifiaction again. Thank you for asking
Yes, I still have this issue with my phone/app. Have been more than a year already. I don't get push notifications when app is not in use, but when I open/start Airbnb app, push notifications comes at very same moment.
This is very annoying, degrades the customer experience of me as a host and even causes income losses (I am, among other things, lost 1 one-month stay).
I'm using: Samsung S9, Android version 10, Airbnb app version 20.44.1
Seems lot of people is experiencing this same issue for a long time and at least I haven't found any specific advice how to solve this. Hope I will now!
In the last 3 hours I've started to receive push notifications without changing any settings.
Guest messages are again being notified by text and ABB App.
Thank you for the update @Doug-And-Justine0 & @Ian-And-Anne-Marie0. I'll be keeping an eye out here on this topic (just in case).
@Quincy : in the same boat here; it works on my backup Nexus 7; it does not work on my new Pixel 3.
Hi Quincy, I have the same issue on my account and it's been persistent for over 4 months. I even changed phones and it's still persisting. It would be of great help if you can look into this.
It's really random for txt alerts to come through still.
Would you please follow up on this with TECH team to see if this is bc of Work from Home & Jobs destroyed bc of Covid19 & pple not having access to necessary support systems to fix these IT issues?
I've had a lot of diagonal lines across my calendar after the fact that I now question if they were from bookings that i never got text or email notifications for.
I still only randomly recieve txt alerts & wonder if it's bc of "Subcontracted Companies" who are not actively doing jobs due to Lockdowns.