Currently dealing with a very frustrating situation. Had 2 guest earlier in October, 2019. Guest was accepted by host, guest paid. Host has not received payment (over 2 weeks). Have spoken with Airbnb several times. First was told a "glitch" in the system I would be receiving my funds soon. Couple days later, nothing. Called again, was told waiting for GUEST to pay??? Really!!?? Since when is a guest allowed to stay without verification from Airbnb that the guest has paid! As others of have said the highest you can go is a Case manager...and that's NOT working. There are higher administrative levels, but HOW to get their??
Would appreciate any comments from others. And if anyone has gotten through the 'coat of amour' above the case manager...PLEASE SHARE!! OK time for me to make my daily Airbnb phone call request MY PAYMENT!