Airbnb host wants to Charge me as House damage something it´s not of his porperty

Airbnb host wants to Charge me as House damage something it´s not of his porperty

So was in a house whith some great hosts and everything perfect.  The  problem comes when my friend fall of a bike right into a car (Not of the host) a do a little scrach (its noticeable but little and still not sure if it was there before).  So the Owner was on the car and saw everything and acuses us of damaging and wants us to pay him 800€. We give him our names and telephones but were of course not gonna pay that much for a liitle scrach.


okay right into the point, This guy is neighbor with our host and convinced him on Charging as house damage this incident. 800€


Is this legal?  What can I do?  i´ve alrady speak with the bank and they cant do anything. 

1 Reply 1

You damage it, you pay. But probably not to the host since it is not his property, let the car owner to get an estimate from the repair shop and then you can pay the reasonable amount.