Airbnb is killing me and I'm afraid for my life

Level 3
Split, Croatia

Airbnb is killing me and I'm afraid for my life


Airbnb is destroying my health and life these days. 

I have been Airbnb member almost 5 years and a Super host for 3 years now with more then 45 active listings and around 350 reviews. 

Airbnb is my breakfast, lunch and diner, and never a guest waited more then 5 minutes for my reply, even in the middle of the night, cause I sleep with my phone. 


They are investigating false accusations against me already 2 weeks now and refusing to speak with me about it and are not willing to look at evidence that I want to send them. 

Instead of it, first they have limited visibility of my listings, then they block them and yesterday they cancelled the guest reservation that was for today with announcment that they will do to others too, during the process of investigation. 

I am losing guests, losing money losing customers with who I work with, but most importanely losing my health, nerves and mind. 

Yesterday almost car runed over me because I walk like a zombie. 

I cannot eat, I cannot sleep and I don't want to live anymore like this. 

And why? 

Not because 1 damaged and evil person reacted from ego and spite against me when I complained about her not paying me for extra person. I can understand there are all kinds of people around us, but evidence is on my side and I am not afraid in my innocence. 

I'm suffering because Airbnb treats me like **bleep**, they had only 1 short phone call with me 8 days ago and promised to resolve the issue within 48 hours which was too much to wait anyway. But that didn't happen, neither they replied any of my mails. 

Over Airbnb agents I have called them 7 times leaving a message to call me, I have replied on their one and only mail 12 times beging for some reaction. I wrote them on open case message around 10 times and I opened several new cases just beging for a phone call that they closed without replying, because that ignorance is killing me. After 7 days they just replied shortly on mail: "Please know we are still investigating this matter, and we are following our procedures, which can include the cancellation of reservations throughout the process."


When I asked do they need any help and evidence, they just cancelled my today 6 day reservation. 

Guest was confused and angry, but I couldnt help, Airbnb called him directly not to be my guests like I am convicted criminal. 

It seems that more then 300 fantastic reviews, compliments and no complaints on me dont mean anything to Airbnb. 

This is the biggest injustice I ever faced in my life so far, in 39 years. 

If I was arrested police would read my rights and I would have an attorney and would defend myself on court, but Airbnb ignorance and punishment is worse then jail. 

I am taking pharmacy drugs to function in real life and sleeping pills to get trough the night just hoping for a call or mail that doesnt come. 

If this continues further more I would rather be dead then experience this injustice anymore. 

I am afraid for my health and I cannot know in which way this pain and depression will leave me. 

Guys, please be aware that this could happen to you to. Anyone can file a false complaint on you and Airbnb will treat you like a criminal until they slowly investigate you are not.

Nobody deserves this kind of treatment. 


72 Replies 72

@Ute42 wrote:


Hi @Davor6 


is the guest who accused You an american citicen?


Curious..... what does the citizenship of this person tell you that is important?

Level 2
Brighton, United Kingdom

Great support for Airbnb here. An erratic consumer culture is the consequence of Airbnb’s flexibility at the hosts’  costs.

If consumers in the real world change their minds about what they want half way through , they need to pay for it and can’t ruin a business - because there are contracts in place. Airbnb just pampers fewer guests as hosts are in greater supply - wake up to capitalism, ‘community’ people!

I'm curious too.

Yes it is. 

About extra guest, it is my fault I didn't change a reservation on 2 persons, because my price is set that extra person costs more. She suggested and I agreed that she will pay in cash at the departure.

All was great, normal and friendly until I complained, with a smile for her leaving 50 € for 16 days of extra person instead of 96. I dont like to be cheated that way, so I explained her that it doesnt matter if he wasnt all days with her, he came and left same day as she did. And if he had to pay another apartment which he planed in first place he couldnt find a bed in hostel for 300 € all days, which is half price that he shared with her for my apartment, with fees.

She didnt like that remark and me being so clear about it, after we had a really friendly relationship up to then, so she didn't wrote a bad review, instead of it, she filed a complaint on sexual harrasment to Airbnb. I noticed the same day that there is no message from Airbnb to leave review for a guest, neither reminder the following days. With that falsly accusation she protected herself from my review and also from paying what she had to. The following days my guests noticed there is no description of apartment on my listings and 7 days later all my listings were unavailable. Now its 17 days until she left and nothing has changed. 

Level 10
Ohrid, Macedonia (FYROM)

@Davor6 you shouldn't take cash from guests, every transaction should go through the resolution center, taking cash is against Airbnb policy. Also you would have avoided being paid 50€ if it was done upon arrival. Airbnb won't support you if any problem results from the cash payment and they clearly say so on their website. That said, if the accusation is sexual harassment you should most definitely stop contacting her, it can only bring you bad as I and many other hosts have said before. Try contacting Airbnb again, many days have passed already, they should give you some info for sure. 

I am contacting Airbnb, but with no success. 

Airbnb allowes for host to ask guests money over Airbnb application, for services or for damage etc. 

So that is what I did in the end. 

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

There is no point you continuing to contact Airbnb @Davor6. You need to wait for them to come back to you at this point. 


Unfortunately you have created part of this problem yourself by agreeng to take cash from the guest at the end of her trip for the unbooked second guest, rather than raising a request through the Resolution Centre, then and there,  as soon as you found out she had brought in a second guest that she didn't pay for.


This was an unwise move on your part both because you know it is against Airbnb's terms to ask a guest for cash and because the guest had already stayed and therefore had no incentive to pay.


If you had gone through the Resolution Centre to ask for the extra guest fee and contacted Airbnb to ask them to send her a request to add the second guest to the booking and she didn't pay you could have asked Airbnb to cancel her stay.


As a long term host with 34 properties, you know you shouldn't ask for cash.


Unfortunately you have compounded the situation by then messaging the guest in what could be seen as a harrassing way asking her not to pursue her complaint.


You are right, I agree. 

But in the end those are minor things considering damage and pain that I already faced. I'm now 11 hours in bed, I dont have a strenght and will to get up in a new day, I just cannot stop thinking about this, feeling like crying all the time. 

Level 10
Ohrid, Macedonia (FYROM)

@Davor6 you are not approaching this correctly. Get out of bed, do a research on all the other platforms, list your propeties there, you should never keep all your eggs in one basket. Wait for response from Airbnb, you will get one for sure. The mistakes are already made, there is no point in depressing yourself, get up and focus on fixing everything piece by piece. Split is an amazing place and there is no shortage of tourists and the season is just begging, you can still save it. 


You don't understand. I cannot advertise somewhere else if I have reservations on Airbnb. What should I advertise if all dates are booked on Airbnb?

I cannot move until I know verdict here, I'm in dead end way.

And waiting for verdict is worst possible punishment of all. 

I didn't eat anything for 16 hours now, I cant. I just took another pill to make it trough another few hours. 

Level 10
Ohrid, Macedonia (FYROM)

@Davor6 I do understand. I am saying to list them and block the dates booked on Airbnb and let the others opened. If you don't know the dates wait untill you see and then list them. I am helping you to be prepared in future, what is done is done here. Be proactive, don't just wait on Airbnb. 


Ok, what other platforms do you suggest except


@Davor6 If you list on Home Away, the listing will also be available on VRBO and Expedia.  


You can also sync your Airbnb calendars on Home Away to prevent double bookings.

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Have you advertising through your local tourism office @Davor6 

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Please make an appointment with your doctor and see if you can find a yoga class or somewhere to have a massage - this will help you relax and distract you from your problems.


It sounds like you might be suffering from depression and anxiety.


Do you have someone to help you with your business. If so, leave it in their hands so you can focus on recovering.


Good luck.


I am suffering badly, but all what you wrote is good in long term. I need something now, just until they message me verdict.

I have my own web site with apartments and many paid advertisments that I work with. That keeps me busy, but unfortunately it doesnt go that well as it should be and in moments when I'm highly sensitive every refusal is tough for me.

I love one proverb that says: We are strongest when its hardest, but its never hard for us.


That is me, its never hard for me anything, I have a good and very satisfaing life, but unfortunately I gave myself too much to Airbnb and that costs me now.