Airbnb simply delays the payouts to work with our money as much as he can

Level 1
Yerevan, Armenia

Airbnb simply delays the payouts to work with our money as much as he can

If you have noticed, there is no email contact or any easy way to for us Partners to contact Airbnb easy!!! No emails, no phone numbers, NOTHING!!!

only I could find their phone number in google with difficaulty.

after the guests leaves, as usual the airbnb starts saying, that the delay of payout is because of the HOLIDAYS.

when 5 business days ends, they will say, the varification is done, and for the payment, it will take UPTO 7 business days.

and then after another 7 business days, they will say, the payment couldn't go through. and we have to wait for another 12 business days, while the airbnb attempts once more.     and so on after a year of delay, you wil find out, that the airbnb had worked all this period of time with your money.

We are starting to beleive that airbnb is a cheating system, when they even don't provide you a contact information.

I don't know for you, but we have to wait another 12 BUSINESS DAYS for the payment, after which we will send the airbnb to the hell. 

(You wanna work with our money, BUT we need it more)

I suggest you to use as a wounderfull website, where you wil really feel that you ARE their partner. 24/7/365 days support of


1 Reply 1
Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia


Hi, I understand your frustration and I am sorry it happens to you, but I have to say that all my payments were allways on time - 24 h after my guest has checked in . Your experience is unfortunate exception, not the rule.


I've heard some hosts have difficulties with paypal accounts .

I've also heard that sometimes guests uses stolen credit cards to book so ABB is not able to process a payment . Maybe that was the case... was it last minute booking? Because ABB always cancel bookings with stolen credit cards as soon as they find out about it.


When I started with ABB and needed to contact them I just  g o o g l e d  and found it immediately. But here is a link about all the ways you can contact them in case you still need it :


p.s. holds our money up to 1 month after our guests check out so regarding payouts ABB is much more fair company.