
Level 1
Augusta, GA




My current guest contacted me asking for the internet password. I told them that there was no internet available, as I had stated under the amenities section. They sent me a screen shot of just the amenities section showing available internet. I went to Airbnb to view my listing and it did state no internet. This is my 6th guest and the first time that I have had this issue. I tried calling Airbnb to see why for them it shows the listing as having internet. I was on hold for two hours and was unable to talk to an agent. I just want to show proof to the guest that I did not change any amentites after they checked in as well as show them that there has never been any internet available. 


Please let me know what I can do, 


Thank you,

Nicole L. 

1 Reply 1

@Nicole299: It sounds a little suspicious if the guest sent you a screenshot of only the ammenities section. Are you sure they took the screenshot of your page and not someone else's?


In today's society most guests expect internet. To cover yourself in the future add in that internet is not available in the "The Space" section and maybe even in your house rules since the guest has to agree to that before booking your place.


But that brings us back to your particular problem. I don't know that there is a solution to your problem as it is going to be a he-said, she-said situation. You may just want to eat this one and offer them a discount or something. If you know your neigbors pretty well you might call and ask one if they can provide a guest password to their internet for a night.


Whatever agreement you finally settle on with them, they will probably give you a reduced rating review. Above all keep your own review professional. Short and sweet is probably better. Future guests will be reading your response as much as the review.