Annoucement not visible

Annoucement not visible


I just set my announcment and I share the special link to my friends but they try to open it, an error message appear, it is indicated " This listing is no longer available."


Could you explain me why?


Thanks in advance,


2 Replies 2
Level 10
Limerick, Ireland

Hello @Mary1273,


Your listing seems to now be visible from the usual link. When a listing is newly published it can take a day or so for it to be fully registered on the web site and visible in searches.


I'm not sure what lisn you shared. I was able to find your listing from the link below.

You may have done this already but just in case here is one suggestion for finding a sharable link.

Click on "Host" and then on "Listings" then cllick on your lisitng. Then click on the "Preview listing" button.

If you then click on the "Share" button you'll see some sharing options, includint one to copy the link so you can paste it to whatever application you wish.



Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Mary1273,


Welcome to the Community!


I was wondering if you've seen Steve's reply to your question? It'd be great if you could let us know if everything has worked out for you. 





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