Anyone from Indonesia ...A host ...?

Level 2
Bandung, Indonesia

Anyone from Indonesia ...A host ...?

Hi My Name is Marine Im Just running my house called the Lou Since early of september and ya as involved of course I need to talk and discuss with same host or someone who running Airbnb , I searching so difficult find it in Bandung or Indonesia, tehre's one group in facebook but not anyone from Indonesia here ...?



The Lou House
Jl Cijotang Raya No. 2
Bandung - West Java

4 Replies 4
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Is there not a Bali local airbnb host group you could contact?

 Hi Helen please check my listing

Level 1
West Java, Indonesia

Hello, I am Karyan. is there Bandung Airbnb Community  in Bandung that I can contact? 

I also looking for this. I guess there's none.

How about we make one?


Saya juga lari nyari nih, tapi kayanya blm ada.

Apa kita bikin aja?

Mas yg diatas juga kayanya perlu tuh..