Are changes to your listing instantly populated on your listing, and in search?
When you make changes to your listing are they instantly populated to your listing, and in search results. For example, if I turned on instant book, would instant book be offered to guests right away, or does it take 15 minuets, or 24 hours? Or if I change bedrooms from 3 to 4. Would someone searching instantly be able to find us if they searched for 4 bedrooms?
It is supposed to take only an hour but I have had problems when I decline a request. I unblock the dates that were automatically blocked. The calendar shows the dates open but behind the scenes it doesn't unlock. People trying to book those dates get a calendar showing unblocked dates (not greyed out) but a red message telling them that the dates are unavailable. My current issue was today and it took over 4 hours to get resolved and that was after I called tech help at hour 3 after my decline. They shouldn't be changing your calendar at all after a decline. We need to push for Airbnb to stop this practice of auto blocking our dates.