I am now already in a +10 day discussion with Airbnb on an i...
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I am now already in a +10 day discussion with Airbnb on an issue of blocked days that are being switched to 'active' in the c...
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Hello everyone,
I have the following situation:
situation one Guest A makes a reservation with the checkout day being on a saturday in this case I block the saturday and sunday for a new check-in for the only reason that I don't want my cleaning lady to come on saturdays nor sundays nor the guest to experience a bad check-in because nobody is on duty to provide a clean and arranged room.
situation two Now the following week Guest B checks out on the friday great because my cleaning lady regularly comes on fridays and so the room is nice and fresh again for a possible check-in on that same friday saturday or sunday but in my availability settings it says no check-in on saturdays and sundays to avoid that very unpleasant situation of a guest finding a dirty room after situation one
my question how can I edit availability settings so it fits either way checki-in on saturdays and sundays no in situation one but yes in situation two
thank you for your help
eva krieps
Hello @Eva155,
Unfortunately there's no single setting that will accommodate both of the situations.
The only way to do it is to keep your current "no checkins on Saturdays or Sundays" setting and then manually unblock the following Saturday and Sunday dates if you have a booking with checkout on a Friday.
Hello Steve,
Thank you very much for your quick reply. That's what I thought but isn't it surprising that Airbnb hasn't yet found a way of enabling an automated response to that kind of situation? I am sure I am not the only one who has thought about it, what do you think? I mean it is a bit obvious that if you are not present in person asking your cleaning help to come saturdays and sundays and help you out with preparing the room or your flatmates gives you a little bit of an uncomfortable feeling they deserve an uninterrupted weekend too and we are not talking a large scale hotel here so yes tricky
Enjoy the coming week
Greetings from Bulgaria
Hola sr @Steve143 buenos dias me gustaria consultarle esto, ojala que me pudiera ayudar...
Tengo una reserva de un huesped que al momento de su reserva puse que solo seria un huesped y mi sorpresa fue que cuando llegan a casa me llegaron 8 personas, le hice la aclaracion que tenia que modificar la cantidad de personas pero al momento no lo ha hecho...
Como puedo modificar o cambiar ?
Lo intente en el apartado donde dice modificar o cancelar pero me dice que no se puede porque estan en el viaje...
Le agradeceria mucho su atención..
Hola @Minerva9,
Soy Quincy y me encargo de dinamizar este foro angloparlante de Airbnb.
Te agradezco que utilices este foro para solventar dudas, pero quizás te interese saber que tenemos un foro hispanohablante en Airbnb, donde participan anfitriones en español. Te invito a que visites El Centro de la Comunidad, donde tu publicación, al ser en español, tendrá más visibilidad y más posibilidades de ser contestada por otros anfitriones de Airbnb. Te animo a que también publiques tu duda allí.
Un saludo y gracias por participar en la Comunidad de Airbnb.
Have Avail settings for each weekend this summer set as follows:
Start Date 9/14 end date 9/16 - Two Night Stay - Check in only Friday.
Just got a 9/15, 16, 17 reservation. While the three nights are good, I would have prefered to just have them here Friday/Saturday at my weekend rate. Now I have the Friday Night hanging out there avail and the chances of selling that are low. What do i need to change in these settings to get the system to not allow this reservation in the future