
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

Blocked Dates

Level 1
Rochefort, France

Blocked Dates

Why RNB blocked 3 and 4 July and the his had already cancelled before two hours end . Why ???


**[Title Updated]

10 Replies 10
Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


Hello Marguerite, I would like to help but, I know English is not your personal language. Will you please send your question with more detail in your own language and I will try to answer for you!


Level 10
Urangan, Australia



C'est mieux de donner un coup de telephone directement a airbnb parceque les gens ici ne peux pas vraiment vous aider.  Essayer 




I faut explique ce qui est arriver et peut etre il vont faire un exception ou corriger ca pour vous.  On voit qu'il y a deux fois que vous avez eu des annulation ou il dit que c'etait fait par soit meme.  Parlez avec eu et voire ce qu'ils peuve faire.


Pardoner mon Francais.  Ce n'est pas aussi facile a ecrire!


Bonne chance, Lisa

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


Good on you Lisa.....your little 'Frenchman' does leave a bit to be desired.....I think you meant 'Pardonnez mon Francais' but Lisa, still good advice.

Hey I use a translation program that was developed for UniSA and it is brilliant, comes far closer than Google translate! Whoever has done the programming is a genius! In conversations with other languages...say @Mariann in Norwegian, she will say it is almost as good as speaking native Norwegian.

That is why I take on some of these foreign language questions. I think I can get fairly close to the literal meaning.


Level 10
Urangan, Australia



Trust you to know "Pardon my French".  I don't use anything to assist with translation.  It's many years now since I lived in France - just stretching my memory for fun now.  Lisa

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


Hey Lisa more in fun than anything else....

Pardoner mon Francais. Ce n'est pas aussi facile a ecrire, translates literally to "Forgive my Frenchman. It's not as easy to write"

Excusez mon français, il n'est pas facile d'écrire translates to "Excuse my French, it is not easy to write"


I don't quite know why some of these foriegn language questions come here when they have the own language boards. Maybe because the English board is considerably larger and they think they may have more chance of getting the response they want.


Hey, thanks for you great DM, it was really good to see what you are doing and good on you. Our daughter Kate had 40 Alpacas on the farm she shared here with her boyfriend about ten years ago...she adored them, said they were the most wonderful gentle animals. This is her at the gate!

Kate & Alpacas.jpg


Good on you Lisa....catch up....cheers.....Rob

Level 10
Urangan, Australia

Where's @Helga0?  Help me Helga!

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hello @Marguerite14,


Lovely to meet you. It sounds as if you are having a few difficulties with your listing, would you be able to provide anymore information?


Also, I hope you don't mind to make it easier to continue the conversation, I have made your question into a new topic here in the Help board.


[Great language attempts @Jayesh0 and @Robin4 🙂 ]






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Level 10
Quimper, France

@Marguerite14,  j'ai été appelé dans cette conversation, probablement trop tard pour votre question. 

J'ai regardé votre profile et j'ai vu les notices automatiques, que vous avez annulé des réservations. C'est une punition automatique pour rompre un contrat de location. 

Une autre punition est, que vous ne pouvez pas relouer ces dates, c'est la raison pour votre calendrier bloqué. 

Deux points sont toujours d'actualité : 

la question pourquoi vous avez annulé : si vous aviez ine raison valable, meritant une exception, il fallait appeler airbnb avant, expliquer la situation et c'est airbnb, qui annule, sans suites négatives pour vous. Vous pouvez toujours le faire et plaider votre cause. Une hospitalisation, un événement rendant l'appartement inhabitable ou autres cas de force majeure seront valable. (Il vous faudra des preuves). Vous pouvez également essayer de plaider votre cause comme nouveau hote ...


si vous ne réussissez pas, il reste à diminuer les effets. Les notifications d'annulation de réservation réagissent comme ub commentaire de visiteur. Vous pouvez aller dans votre compte airbnb sur ordinateur, profile, commentaires et écrire une réponse publique à la notification. Ecrivez-la comme si vous vous adressiez au visiteur refusé ou comme une explication. En réalité, vous vous adressez à vos futurs visiteurs, il faut les rassurer, que ce n'est pas une habitude chez vous d'annuler. 

Bonne chance

Level 1
London, United Kingdom

Hey Guys - it has now happened to us 2 times that we have BLOCKED out dates and for some reason AirBNB unblocks those dates.  In one case, they were unblocked by AirBnb and then someone booked with us for a week and when we cancelled, we were penalised in that they told us if we cancelled again in the future, we would be subject to a fine.  

hi @Gillian90, there is now in information in the Instant Book settings, that in such cases you can book penalty free. 

Whatever the reason, especially if it's a bug, don't cancel on a computer yourself, but call the service. They will do it for your. If it's not so long ago, you may still call and try to explain. If the customer service accepts your explanation, they remove the penalties, like not being able to become a superhost for a year.