Booked a room in a house and now the host wants to have a party that weekend. What should I do?

Level 1
Abbots Bromley, United Kingdom

Booked a room in a house and now the host wants to have a party that weekend. What should I do?

Hi everyone. I'm in a bit of a pickle, we have a 1 month old baby and booked an annex in York. All was well until today when the host contacted me and said they're now planning on throwing a garden party that weekend right outside the annex and do we mind. It'll be on untill 1/2am.


I understand that it is their house but now all the places are booked and I feel like if they were going to throw a party they should have told us when we booked it (over a month ago) or made the dates unavailable for booking.


What can I do? Do I have the right to tell them we made a deal and they can't go back on it? Can I leave them a bad review for messing me around?


Any advice would be great.

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Kraków, Poland



I'd ask what kind of a party it is, because not all parties are alike, I think you assuming it’s a Rock & Roll party which it may very well be, or it could be a cocktail party where conversation is the order of the day.


So ask you hosts first and then deside on a course of action.




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