Hi, I just canelled an Airbnb reservation because the friend I am travelling with has fallen ill. Airbnb said they would refund the payment I made to the Visa debit card I used to make the payment. The problem is, since making the booking I now have a new card with a different card number. It is still associated with the same account though. Will this refund still go back to my bank account? Or is there a way to get the refund paid to another card? Thanks for any help!
@Tristan30 Actually, with Airbnb being provided with your old card number, they can only send the money there. So you can do two things:
1. check your card issuer/bank account for details what they do in such situations (did the card issuer change?);
2. Write to airbnb informing them aabout the change, and also change the card details in your profile (in the section payments - have you updated it yet?).