Cargos no autorizados

Level 1
Montreal, Canada

Cargos no autorizados

hola, necesito de su ayuda. Se realizo realizo un cobro no autorizado por parte de airbnb en la tarjeta de credito de mi cuñada, intentamos hablar con airbnb sin ninguna ayuda, hay alguna forme de rastrear el cobro con el numero de confirnacion que aparece en el estado de cuenta?.



1 Reply 1
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands

Google translates:

Hello, I need your help. An unauthorized charge was made by airbnb on the credit card of my sister-in-law, we tried to speak with airbnb without any help, is there any way to track the charge with the confirmation number that appears on the account statement?


Only airbnb can track the reservaton code to the right listing and to the booker. They should help your sister-in-law with this, so she should contact them again.

If it is a fraud from an "airbnb-look-a-like" (scam), google the code to see something comes up, as they often use the same reservation code.


BTW If it is a disputed charge, the credit card company can also be informed.


Contact Airbnb - Community Guide [Updated]

Best regards,
