Change the payout method fast

Level 1
Timișoara, Romania

Change the payout method fast


I received the guests today for long term as a host . Initialy i set the payout method by paypall but when i checked the card attached was expired. I tryed to atached the new card but is not accepted even is the same type as the old one . Also when i want to attach a bank account is asking me an US one and i dont have because i am from Romania ... 


I tryed to change the payout method in  "banck account transfer"  but  i receive this message and doesnt't let me go further because after i press 'next' remains  innactive for minutes and nothing happeds . What can i do ?  

Thank you and i hope somebody help me because the money must be relesed to me in less than 24 houres . 



Add Payout Method

When you click Next, you will be directed to another website where you may securely enter your banking details. After completing the requested information you will be redirected back to Airbnb. Here are some tips you should know when entering your information.

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