Changing rate...want to reduce payment scheduled.

Level 2
Penticton, Canada

Changing rate...want to reduce payment scheduled.

I wish to reduce my rate now, but already have confirmed guests for 4 nights in the next week.  Can I re-set the rate for the already confirmend guests to reflect the change? And saving them money.




Gary Haupt

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Amsterdam, Netherlands

@Gary62, hi,

you can change the reservation by overwriting the price in the box. When you then click send your guest has 24h to accept it.

Best also to send your guests a message about your gift to them, so that they know what's going on. Am sure they'll love you for it!


Upping a price after reservation because you didn't realize you could earn more doesn't fly, but lowering is a different animal.


Thanks Andrea.   nice way of dealing with it.  I shall follow your suggestion.


