Changing search parameters to SHORTER stay produces LESS choices

Level 2
Charlottesville, VA

Changing search parameters to SHORTER stay produces LESS choices


Search parameters:

Charlottesville va, US, whole place, max $89. 12/29/17  to 1/9/18 produces lots of choices.

Reducing the leave date by even 1 day reduces it to 3. ?!?

5 Replies 5
Level 10
Bergen, Norway


Sounds a bit odd, but many hosts increase their minimum stay over the holidays.

Level 2
Charlottesville, VA

So MOST of my local hosts have 11 day minimums?  10 might make some sense, or 14, but 11? Sorry, that's lottery win unlikely. Almost certainly a programming bug.

@Mark674, I did the search for Charlottesville, VA, whole place, max $89, for Dec 29 to Jan 9 and found 42 places. Changing the dates to Dec 29 to Jan 8 found 45 places.

I am not sure what the differene is, but those are the results I received.


Level 2
Charlottesville, VA

I forgot to mention that I'd set it for 'whole house,' which initially came up with a bunch of hits. So you're right - unselect that, and you get a lot of rooms, none of which are the whole house listings I was getting at first. A glitch somewhere, I guess. 

Thanks for checking into it.

Level 1
Charlottesville, VA

Ok, so whole house for 89 dollars a night, that's a pretty **bleep** good price. Maybe go up on it a little bit? You can't even get a motel for that price in Charlottesville.