I have been bumping up against an AirBnB dilemma that I would love other hosts’ opinions on. As a host I charge a fair ($25) cleaning fee for our one bedroom/one bathroom rental. My husband and I turn the space over on our own and can clean it in one hour or less. Our home is new (less than 2 years old) and we have very high cleaning standards for our rental. We regularly clean baseboards, windows, corners for cobwebs, you get the idea.
My dilemma is in regards to traveling as an AirBnb guest. Because I know the behind the scenes of hosting I am of course much more particular. On a recent vacation we rented a studio apartment that added on an $85 cleaning fee. I felt that was fairly high but realizing I was traveling to a beach town figured the host was just trying to add on some extra $$ to her payout and show a bit lower nightly renal fee to potential guests. My qualm came when I showed up to the bnb rental and saw the dust, hair, dirty walls/cabinets, etc. Whomever is cleaning the space is doing a less than adequate job and certainly not deep cleaning ever.
To make matters worse there was a sign above the sink threatening renters to incur an additional $25 fee if they did not do their dishes. There was also a list of other check out chores including trash, etc.
Am I crazy in my thinking that it is ridiculous to be asking your guests to be cleaning the space after you’ve charged them quite a large cleaning fee?! What is the cleaning fee for? As I said I’m an experienced host so I get what it takes and I never micromanage my guets regarding their cleaning duties. And 9/10 times we have lovely guests who do the right thing without our asking! I prefer the idea of bringing out the best in others by extending trust rather than micromanaging which usually seems to backfire anyhow.
I’d love to hear other hosts’ thoughts on this matter! Thanks-