Confirmation by guest without my pre-approval

Confirmation by guest without my pre-approval

hello , 

I recieve an email from a traveler who said that he is going to travel to Baku and the email said that it has been confrimed by traveler without my pre-approval ..I can not understand what has happened ? it has been confirmed without my pre-approval..

fortunetly i havent choose a payment method , therefore no payment has been what should I do ? and how can i cancel the confirmation ? because my apartment is not available on that time for refurbishments.please help me

2 Replies 2
Level 7
Chicago, IL

Hi Sara,


You have the Instant Booking feature enabled on your listing, which allows certain guests to book without your approval. I believe you're able to cancel an Instant Booking though. Here's how to cancel:


To turn off Instant Book, go to your listing settings then find the Booking section, then the "Who can book instantly" area. Choose the "No one. All guests must send reservation requests." Some hosts keep Instant Booking turned on, but you'll need to make sure your calendar is up to date.



Level 10
London, United Kingdom



You have Instant Booking switched on - that means guests can book without you approving them. Also the dates that the guest booked must have been available.


It is up to you as a host to ensure your calendar is up to date, and that you understand how and when people can book.


You need to cancel the booking - however, if you do this yourself then you will be penalised by AirBnB.


Contact AirBnB and explain what has happend and hope that they will find your guest alternative accommodation and not penalise you.


Finally - put your listing on snooze if you are not ready to take bookings - it is not fair to guests and you will incur penalties each time you cancel.


Good luck