Hi All
I recently helped a family affected by the Houston Floods as part of Air BnB's request to Hosts to make their listings available for free. The guest in question stayed for the initial period and requested an extension which I gave without inspecting the room. I did not want to invade their privacy.
They essentially wrecked the room. The mattress protector is missing. The walls have been stained and the sheetrock damaged. There is food on the floors and they left filth in the toilet. The comforters appear to be stained. Air BnB did not take a security deposit from them nor a cleaning fee. I have an estimate for remediation of around $600.
Can someone give me advice on how to manage this? Is there any assistance from AirBnB on this? While the damage is material, I am not sure if it is criminal and requires a police report. AirBnB did not give me her name so it is difficult to file this report. How do I get my guest's full name in order to file the report?