Damage done by guest

Level 3
Cres, Croatia

Damage done by guest

Dear all,


I just got notified by my guest that they broke my entrance door!!!

The door is glass with a protective metal net over it. The hallway has ceramic tiles.


They left it open during rain and some water came inside and one of them slipped, I think he grabbed the door when falling and a big piece of glass broke across the middle.

(They sent me photos and wrote that they left it open so I have proof of that).


The guest got scratched on the leg (I have a photo of that too), but nothing serious, he is ok.


Now they are trying to pull off that the glass isnt thick enough and that the whole thing is an accident waiting to happen!

We have never had any trouble or issues with the door, this is our 8th year of renting the apartment.

Prior to that we had regular guests that would come every year (period of approx 10 years), again no issues whatsoever. 

We ve had numerous guests over these years, the door was never nearly an issue.

Clearly it was a significant amount of force, although they claim that it wasnt....


I am covered with a security deposit of up to 300 eur which is more than enough for this kind of damage. 


Can they go after me for this??? Clearly it was a significant amount of force, although they claim that it wasnt and that the door is dangerous....


Any advice how to handle this as painlessly as possible?


Thanks for the help!



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