I am currently having a horrific experience with Airbnb. I ...
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I am currently having a horrific experience with Airbnb. I had a PAST reservation cancelled. The guest have already stayed. ...
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I typically don't decline an inquiry although that option exists. I just respond, and leave it open, and the guest either sends a reservation request or moves on if they deem our place unsuitable. Yesterday I decided to decline an inquiry after talking with the inquirer and finding out they had secured a place through a different platform. I have declined reservation requests for other reasons in the recent past such as forgetting to block off the dates when we had friends coming over.
This morning I get a warning notice from Airbnb about our "Accepted Reservation" rate. There appears to be nothing in their algorithm or protocol to keep them from blacklisting you for a decline that is based on the guest having found another place and not needing our place anyway. I guess I've learned to continue to do what I've always done, and never decline an inquiry. But penalizing a host in this case seems to be a particularly shoddy deficiency in their algorithm. We'll be talking to them about an appeal of this standing.
@Tim-and-Lynette0 Was this an Inquiry or a Request? You seem to be mixing up the terms. If just an Inquiry, I don't understand why you even bothered to decline- if the guest had already secured other accommodation, they wouldn't have gone on to book your place anyway- you could have just let the Inquiry expire. If it was a Request, you could have asked the guest to withdraw the request so you didn't have to decline.
No, I'm not mixing up terms. As I mentioned in the original post, I've never bothered to decline an inquiry before, but this time I decided to do so. I always wondered why Airbnb has a decline option for inquiries. It seemed odd to me. Live and learn.
@Tim-and-Lynette0 "Yesterday I decided to decline an inquiry after talking with the inquirer and finding out they had secured a place through a different platform. I have declined reservation requests for other reasons in the recent past." That's the only reason I thought you were mixing up terms, don't take offense. (I see hosts posting here all the time who don't seem to know the difference or use the terms interchangably).
I didn't realize they'd ding our acceptance rate for Inquiries declined, and what you posted actually says has to do with Accepted Reservations- you didn't decline a reservation, so that doesn't seem like it would fall under that penalty. But I guess they can ding us on anything they want, whether it makes sense or not.
They once dinged my response time because I failed to respond to a Request within 24 hours, not because I'm lax about responding in time, but because of an Airbnb tech glitch where I had, unbeknowst to me, stopped receiving notifications. So, entirely their fault, yet I got penalized. (And I did respond in 25 hours and the guest went on to book, so Airbnb still got their fees, but refused to recalcuate the response rate.)
You're right @Tim-and-Lynette0
It can be very confusing.
A similar thing happened to me a few days ago.
I had a guest enquiring about being able to bring pets.
While I was responding to her, someone IB'd my home for the dates she was enquiring about
So by the time the reply reached her, airbnb had already entered "not possible" automatically
HOwever the DECLINE button was still highlighted in red everytime I opened up for the next 24 hours - it REALLY looked as if I should hit it.
I restrained myself as I've read enough on these forums to be highly suspicious, that my approval rate would take a hit, but I agree with you, it's very misleading and counterintuitive.
Thanks for having this conversation! I had the same problem today! I have answered the guest and told her that I do not allow pets but those "pre-approve or decline" buttons are haunting me! lol! I've resisted and wanted to check on declining before I clicked it. Glad I did! I'll just let it fade away on its own.
So glad I found this explanation. I just had an inquiry if we had a fold out couch for the ladies son. I told her we did not so she thanked me fur the quick reply.
I got an email from AirBnb asking me to Accept or Decline. I’m afraid if I Decline, it could be marked against me as I also have to give a reason, which makes it sound like it was my choice which it wasn’t. They state -
@Willene1 Yes, just ignore it. I've simply answered many inquiries without clicking on pre-approve nor decline and there is no consequence as long as you have answered the message.
You didn't "get an email from Airbnb"- that's just computer-bot generated stuff- try not to let it scare you.
Airbnb just wants every Inquiry or Booking Request to be accepted and booked so they don't miss out on any service fees.
Okay, thanks. It does make me uncomfortable. I’m reading other posts that state there is a Dismiss button but I cannot find that. That would be helpful. Any idea where it is?
@Willene1 Well, that's Airbnb's intention- to make you feel uncomfortable so you'll go ahead and pre-approve.
I think you can go to your dashboard where you can dismiss the inquiry. As I recall there isn't a "dismiss" button per se, but you can x it out.
Like I said, I've simply answered many Inquiries and let them expire with no ill effects.
Thank you so much. I really appreciate your replies.