Discrepancy between receipt and credit card statement

Level 2

Discrepancy between receipt and credit card statement



Looking back at my recent Airbnb receipts I noticed that the amount on my credit card is always more than that total indicated on the Airbnb receipts.  I have read somewhere that there is the Airbnb's currency conversion fee of 3%. But the discrepancy between the receipt and the credit card statement is very clearly more than 3% (It is like around 35%).  Is this normal? 



Thank you

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Kraków, Poland

Hello @Yang-Yue0. You may want to ask your bank as well what they charge on top of the payment. Some banks can be quite costly.

// "The only person you can trust is yourself"

Okay! Thank you for your reply!

But I have booked 2 different airbnb and it is only 1 that have a discrepancy of around 35%. The other one have a difference of around 2-3% and I assume that it is the Airbnb's currency conversion fee. So I'm wondering if there are other reasons that causes it ?

Would really appreciate your help!