Do I need additional insurance (outside of Airbnb's Host Protection Insurance)?

Level 2
London, United Kingdom

Do I need additional insurance (outside of Airbnb's Host Protection Insurance)?

Hello all,


Regarding hosting in London, UK.


I'm having my first guest in a few days and I'm wondering if i need to take out separate insurance (my current insurance does not cover guests).


Considering Airbnb's Host Protection Insurance (HPI) seems quite conclusive, is there any reason to have additional insurance?


Sorry if it's a silly question - can't currently think of a reason to buy it.


Many thanks


10 Replies 10
Level 1
London, England, United Kingdom

hi there, 


did you get any feedback to this question? I am in a similar situation.......


best wishes, 



Level 4
Dummerston, VT

@ Mathew & Elin,


Please be sure to set a very high damage deposit! Limit is 5K in the US.  I have had a very unpleasant experiences and learned the hard way that the much touted 'host coverage' is a mere euphemism for accessing the damage deposit.  To date I have had people damage my stove/oven by melting pot holders on the stove and baking items that overflowed in the oven (lasagna) and was baked on for ? hours because they never cleaned up the mess while using my house, without permission mind you, for a week long holiday party for a huge group of local family because my home was larger than the planned party location!  The oven will never be the same even after 4 applicaitons of oven cleaner and hours of scrubbing.  The guest even admitted that relatives brought laundry and used my facilities!  The house was literally immaculate but they gave me 3 stars for supposedly finding dust on the hand towel hanging in the master suite.  WHAT?????  You trashed my house and then gave ME a less than 5 star rating?!


I have had many problems along this line.  The rating system is horrible.  I have heard other say that they have contacted guest to ask for correction...Be very sure to let guests know your parameters for use of your home.  I suggest discussing damage up front at check in and reviewing condition of your home politely on check in/check out with the expectation that the home will be kept tidy, messes will be cleaned and any damage will be charged to the deposit on check out if found in post stay house check.   


A recent guest burned my counter top by placing a pan directly from the stove onto the counter despite the stone trivets on each side of the stove....and airbnb did not cover the damage which is substantial.  The guest left me a nice message stating the stay was 'perfect'.  When I reported the damage they literally trashed me personally on their review.  Airbnb policy prevents removal of review no matter what the circumstances, even if it's a **bleep** lie or factually incorrect!  I was able to have the review removed because it violated the 'vulgarity' claus about language in the review and because when a damage report is made within the 48 hour deadline reviews are not allowed.  However, my guest and I were still promted to leave reviews....I took the high road and gave a good review because they did leave the house tidy and accidents happen.  I told the guest I would make a claim against the insurance to offset their expense but they lied anyway to try to get out of paying the damage.  My damage deposit was set at 500.  The repair estimate was over 4,000.  Airbnb payout: 300!  


Airbnb required me to file a damage report using a link they sent.  In order to submit the report I had to 'choose' to allow Airbnb to determine the final outcome and give up any right to appeal.  I asked when I could make a claim against the host coverage and was told that I had file the report Airbnb is lying about host coverage....there is none basically.  I will have to eat the repair.  I have now set my damage deposit at the maximum.  


I assume that there have been many lawsuits against Airbnb for this fraud.  Other hosts have contacted me via the forum also enraged for same reason.  BEWARE.

@Mary-Ellen0 many thanks for sharing your experiences with bad guests and Airbnb. I have got similar experiences and have changed my mind on Airbnb. In the beginning for my host experience in June 2014 the host guarantee was a working miracle paying for damages without too much questionings. And now they do not even call you or show any empathy.


I have said that to Airbnb and for sure this is gonna piss off the host community. 


I would like to know if you and the others in UK have found a home insurance? I am struggling to find one in Italy for the properties we manage because most of the insurance companies covers only fire, water flood and calamities. In the end of the day Airbnb Host Guarantee is provided by Loyds, that never answered me. 


It will be interested to know if there are insurance companies that actually help hosts to manage bad guests experiences.

Elio Mondosol
Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia

@Matthew0 Hi there Matthew....yeah I know, I am a bit like the Cobb & Co Coach...I am always late, but, yopu may still be on the look out for help with this topic.


This is a paste of a post I have done a few times before on the forum but we are seeing this question of insurance cropping up again and again it is again!

A lot of posts have given graphic details of the problems associated with trying to avail yourself of this umbrella insurance cover that Airbnb offers. The reality of it is, YOU SHOULD ASSUME THIS COVER DOES NOT EXIST! A damage deposit is possibly a prudent thing to include in your listing details for the odd broken or 'mis-placed' item, but we are now seeing reports of some guests facing bills of thousands of dollars for damage to major fittings that they thought would be covered by with this 'warm and fuzzy' Airbnb protection cover. The terms and conditions of the Airbnb cover have been so cleverly crafted, that, realistically it covers you for three quarters of nine tenths of bugger all.....forget about it, it's a marketing tool!!

In Australia we have an insurer who is part of the largest insurance group in Australia who specialises in the Airbnb and Stayz platforms. You insure only for the times you have guests, and the insurance only covers 'events' that guests are likely to create.

 It DOES cover building damage including debris removal in the case of total fire damage, theft, contents damage, both accidental and malitious and has a $10 million au liability cover, but does NOT cover storms, tornados, earthquakes, floods and other acts of God. It also does not cover external rental properties (there are others in that landlord/ tennant market) it purely covers shared property short term rental agreements.

Now, where the difficulty comes in Matthew, this does not replace your existing household insurance it is an adjunct to it that purely covers damage that guests may do whilst on your property so, this cover has to sit comfortably with your general household insurance. But I am sure the Insurance Council in England, or your country would suggest insurers who do work to this arrangement.....It happens here in Australia, and I am certain we are not an island in the intergalactic void of Insurance.

Cover is available immediately on-line and premiums are for individual guests. The whole policy structure has been based around the short term shared accommodation market. I have guests in my cottage for 4 days at present. I set the insurnace in place the day they arrived and am covered until midday the day they leave, I received a specific policy document in PDF form immediately and that cover cost me the princely sum of $15.30 for the 4 days.

Matthew, Vicki, Nancy and others, search out for this, I suggest you do what I did and get onto your Insurance Council. It is so worthwhile for you peace of mind....And forget about the Airbnb potection cover! That's just a cleverly crafted marketing tool!....Cheers.....Rob

Incidentally I didn't mention it before because it's irelevant to hosts outside Australia but, if you want to see the company out of curiosity google and it should come up, provided Aust specific sites are allowed in your area!!!


@Robin4 great point about the Airbnb host insurance. Many thanks for sharing your experience in Australia and I wish it was that easy in Europe as well.

Elio Mondosol

It gets worse with Experience insurance. My 3rd request to see the PDS has been refused - our advisor states that she "has no more info than what we see on the site". It's supposedly underwritten by Lloyds, so in that mighty institution shall we place our trust. Dunno if that's my question or a statement, haha!

My fears arise from a one-liner excluding liability in accidents arising from use of "mobile equipment". WTF? This could mean shoes, bicycles, cars or spaceships!!!!



The reply really tells you what you need to know and as others have said make sure you have what you need under your own arrangements.


In the US, most homeowners insurance doesn't cover commercial activity . . . we found a vacation rental insurer (who probably ends up being underwritten by Lloyds, of course) who offers a blend of homeowners, commercial general liability, and inkeepers policy. It includes loss of use, which is appealing to those of us who have homes in wild natural areas (storms, forest fires, etc).


Obviously insurance and coverage are different in every country, but I would start by asking an insurance broker if you can purchase an innkeepers policy or something designed for owners of properties being rented on a short-term basis.


I agree with the person who said assume the host guarantee doesn't exist. The host guarantee person was very nasty to us this summer, despite the fact that the guest (1) admitted the damage and (2) admitted our costs to replace the ruined items were accurate. Our guest just thought she could start making up lies about our home after the fact to "negotiate" a "deal" for her very expensive damage, but backed down when she realized we could easily prove she was lying if we had gone to the "resolution process." Even still, a took a month (and intervention by "good" AirBNB employees" to get the resolution center person to read the guest's email saying "I'll agree to pay."



I'm in USA with a condo in Quebec City Canada with 5 stars rating;  everything went smootly for 4 years until 2 week ago and some gest "childrens" clogged up the toilets, and did water damage to the Sporting goods store below me; and it's been hell; The airBB insurance is wortless completely; like having no insurance at all.

At least make sure you charge maximun deposit and do not entertain having guess with no references

Period. Also if they can't afford $5,000.00 deposit they are not worth your time PERIOD.

Trust me, I'm stuck with a $4,00.00 bill

@John-and-Heather0The big elephant in the room is fire. I searched Airbnb's "host guarantee" and the word "fire" does not even appear.  And even if fire is somehow covered, what happens if guests stay in a separate part of the house, not sharing any space with you in the rest of the house, and they burn the entire house down? Airbnb might only cover the part of the house that guests stay.


And what happens when your house burns down?... You need another place to stay at for 2 years! Airbnb's host guarantee does not include loss of use. For that reason alone, I would never rent my guest suite without my own homeowner's insurance policy that covers Airbnb.

The Airbnb Host Guarantee pays Covered Losses only and does not pay for any of the following (“Excluded Losses”):

This exclusion applies even if there is (i) any physical loss or damage to Covered Property; (ii) any peril or cause covered hereunder, whether or not contributing concurrently or in any sequence; (iii) any loss of use, occupancy, or functionality; or (iv) any action required, including but not limited to, repair, replacement, removal, cleanup, abatement, disposal, relocation, or steps taken to address medical or legal concerns.